Run Feature Analysis » History » Revision 7
Revision 6 (Anke Mulder, 05/18/2010 06:13 PM) → Revision 7/8 (Anke Mulder, 06/03/2010 07:06 PM)
h1. Run Feature Analysis Feature analysis refers to systematic techniques for extracting features from a series of [[Run_Alignment| aligned particles]] with the intent of clustering images with with similar features together. Feature anaylsis is closely related to multivariate statistics . All of these feature analysis techniques fall into two categories: principal component analysis (PCA) (Spider Coran and IMAGIC MSA) and neural networks (Xmipp KerDen SOM). h2. Feature Analysis Procedures # [[Spider Coran Classification]] # [[Xmipp Kerden Self-Organizing Map]] # [[Xmipp Rotational Kerden Self-Organizing Map]] h2. Notes, Comments, and Suggestions: !! ______ [[Run_Alignment|<Run Alignment]] | [[Run Particle Clustering|Run Particle Clustering >]] ______