Setup Remote Processing » History » Revision 18
Revision 17 (Amber Herold, 06/04/2010 04:09 PM) → Revision 18/24 (Amber Herold, 06/04/2010 04:14 PM)
h1. Setup Remote Processing
The web interface for Appion allows one to directly login to a computer and process Appion jobs. But this requires a job submission system to be installed.
h2. Types of clusters:
* Local cluster a.k.a. processing host — this is a cluster that has all of the data directories mounted locally and all processing software installed
* Remote cluster a.k.a. cluster — this is a cluster that has a limited selection of software and the data is not accessible
h2. Local Cluster Appion processing setup
The following applies to both the web-server computer (setup earlier) and a job submission system on a local cluster. The job submission system usually consists of a head node (main computer) for recieving and processing jobs and individual processing nodes (slave computers) for running jobs. All of these system CAN exist on an single computer.
# [[Setup job submission server]]
# [[Install SSH module for PHP]]
# [[Configure web server to submit job to local cluster]]
# [[Testing job submission]]
# [[Potential job submission problems]]
h2. Remote Appion Processing through ssh setup
# [[Edit the default_cluster.php file]]
[[Create a Test Project|< Create a Test Project]]