


Start with existing CentOS installation » History » Revision 69

Revision 68 (Amber Herold, 04/06/2010 01:20 PM) → Revision 69/80 (Amber Herold, 04/06/2010 01:24 PM)

h1. Start with existing CentOS 5.3 64-bit installation 


 h2. 1 3 Download additional software  

 [[Download additional Software]] 


 h2. 2 Database Server 4 MRC PHP Extension Installation 

 and Testing 

 [[MRC PHP Extension Installation and Testing]] 


 h2. 5 Setup MySQL (appiondata) databases  

 [[Setup MySQL database]] 



 h2. 3 Processing Server Installation  

 6 Compile and setup Appion python programs  

 [[Setup Appion programs]] 


 h2. 4 7 Web Server Installation 

 Refer to [[Web Server Installation]] 

 *TODO:* The next steps have already been completed, grab any extra info from here and move to other location. 

 h3. Install DBEM and project php source  

 Please consult the other [[Start_with_existing_ANY_Linux_flavor_OS#3-Web-server-side-installation|Install guide]] 

 h3. Configuration  

 h4. configure apache  

 * allow REMOTE_HOST lookups in apache 

 $ sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 

 * turn _HostnameLookups_ to On 

 HostnameLookups On 

 * restart the webserver 

 $ sudo /sbin/service httpd restart 

 h4. configure project_1_2, dbem_1_5_1, and dbem_1_5_1/processing  

 Please consult the other [[Start_with_existing_ANY_Linux_flavor_OS#3-Web-server-side-installation|Install guide]] 

 h3. Initialize database tables from the web tools  

 Please consult [[Start_with_existing_ANY_Linux_flavor_OS#4-Create-a-test-project-and-processing-database|Create a test project and processing database]] 

 h3. Potential problems  

 h4. Firewall settings  

 You may need to configure your firewall to allow incoming HTTP (port 80) and MySQL (port 3306) traffic: 

 $ system-config-securitylevel 

 h4. Security-enhanced linux  

 "Security-enhanced linux (SELinux)":    may be preventing your files from loading. To fix this run the following command: 

 $ sudo /usr/bin/chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/ 

 see "this website":    for more details on SELinux 


 h2. 5 8 Install external packages  

 *Please follow individual package installation instruction provided with them* 

 h3. Compile Xmipp for OpenMPI  

 [[Install Xmipp]] 


 h2. 6 9 Install a PBS job submission system 

 [[Install PBS]] 


 h2. 7 10 Do testing (Start at 4 of any flavor) 

 [[Start_with_existing_ANY_Linux_flavor_OS#4-Create-a-test-project-and-processing-database|Get started with a project]] 
 This has some repeated information. 
 Basically need to do the following: 

 # Add a group 
 # Add a user 
 # Add instruments 
 # Create a project 
 # Create the project database 
 # Upload images to a new session 
 # View the images 