Troubleshooting Notes » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 03/26/2010 03:01 PM) → Revision 2/3 (Amber Herold, 03/26/2010 03:01 PM)
h1. Troubleshooting Notes Hi, Amber, I got it to work. The webserver user apache has no permission to serve files from /home/ami/ What I did was: (1) as root <pre> $ cd / $ mkdir data $ chmod -R 755 data </pre> This way, if you check with ls -l you will get drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 73 Dec 4 11:42 data (2) change leginon.cfg in the installation <pre> $ cd /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/leginon/config $ vi leginon.cfg </pre> [Images] /data/leginon This way, when I upload images to a new session, it will create a directory under /data/leginon that is readable by everyone. I figured it out by changing the user assigned in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to ami, then, after restarting apache, it could read the test images in /ami/Desktop/myami/myamiweb/test. Then I realize that the system we use at amilab allows read access to all, and that a file is still not readable by others if its parent directories are not readable by others. It is probably something that we need to formulate better with Christopher and Eric. It is likely that we can do something more acceptable by other groups. Apache has all kinds of permission settings I didn't read through. Anchi