Unlink a Project Processing Database » History » Version 4
Amber Herold, 07/23/2010 02:48 PM
1 | 1 | Amber Herold | h1. Unlink a Project Processing Database |
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3 | 2 | Amber Herold | # Select the project DB tool from the Appion and Leginon Tools start page at http://YOUR_SERVER/myamiweb. |
4 | 3 | Amber Herold | # Select your project by clicking on the project name. |
5 | # Click on the *unlink* button found in the info section next to "processing db:". |
6 | 1 | Amber Herold | |
7 | 3 | Amber Herold | |
8 | *Note:* Unlinking a project and a database does not delete the database. |
9 | 4 | Amber Herold | To link to an existing db: |
10 | # Enter the db name |
11 | # Select *Create processing db* |
12 | 2 | Amber Herold | |
13 | 1 | Amber Herold | |
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16 | [[Create a Project Processing Database|< Create a Project Processing Database]] | [[Upload Images to a new Project Session|Upload Images to a new Project Session >]] |
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