Useful shell commands » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Amber Herold, 09/23/2011 11:10 AM) → Revision 4/28 (Amber Herold, 09/23/2011 11:10 AM)
h1. Useful shell commands h3. check the status of a job # ssh to the processing server # <pre>qstat -au YOUR_USER_NAME</pre> # will list your jobs h3. make a folder writable <pre> chmod -R g+rw eman_recon14</pre> h3. kill a process # Log into the machine it is running on <pre>ssh fly</pre> # Look for processes with your user name <pre>ps -ef |grep [your_username]</pre> # Kill the process using the number in the first column after your username <pre>kill [process id]</pre> # If the process was a copy, remove the destination folder <pre>rm [destination folder]</pre> # list system stats <pre>top</pre> h3. h2. Kill a job running through the job manager * use *qdel* <job number>