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Anchi Cheng, 12/06/2019 05:15 PM

AutoIt program, script compilation and testing

Download AutoIt Scripting program on microscope computer


Compile *.au3 files

These are found in your_myami/pyscope/autoit/. Right-click on the file icon should allow you to compile. Place the resulting exe files at a common place, for example, C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\ and remember its location to be added to fei.cfg

Add the locations of the exe files to fei.cfg of your leginon installation if you have not done so.

  1. make a copy of your_myami/pyscope/fei.cfg.template and call it fei_temp.cfg
  2. compare fei_temp.cfg with your current fei.cfg used for leginon and modify fei_temp.cfg according to your current configuration.
  3. find the entries related to AUTOIT and fill in the location of your autoit exe files.



  1. You can double click on BeamstopIn.exe and Beamstopout.exe to see if it does what it should be doing.


  1. Go to TUI interface and CCD/TV Camera panel.
  2. Select BM-Ceta
  3. Double click on TuiAcquire.exe to execute. This is most likely to fail in some of the validation steps. Make correction to these settings and try again.
  4. When all validations are passed, you should see TIA starts acquiring movie series using Acquire preset of the CCD/TV Camera panel.
  5. Double click on TuiAcquire.exe again to stop movie series acquisition.


  1. Select TEM Imaging & Analysis (TIA) Window
  2. Make sure Export Series Shortcut is shown like in this screenshot

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 4 years ago · 2 revisions