


AutoIt program and script compilation » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Anchi Cheng, 12/02/2019 03:46 PM) → Revision 2/13 (Anchi Cheng, 12/06/2019 05:15 PM)

h1. AutoIt program, program and script compilation and testing 

 h2. Download AutoIt Scripting program on microscope computer 


 h2. Compile *.au3 files 

 These are found in your_myami/pyscope/autoit/.    Right-click on the file icon should allow you to compile.    Place the resulting exe files at a common place, for example, *C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\* place and remember its location to be added to fei.cfg 

 h2. Add the locations of the exe files to fei.cfg of your leginon installation if you have not done so. 

 # make a copy of your_myami/pyscope/fei.cfg.template and call it fei_temp.cfg 
 # compare fei_temp.cfg with your current fei.cfg used for leginon and modify fei_temp.cfg according to your current configuration. 
 # find the entries related to AUTOIT and fill in the location of your autoit exe files. 

 h2. Testing 

 h3. Beamstop 

 # You can double click on BeamstopIn.exe and Beamstopout.exe to see if it does what it should be doing.  

 h3. TUIAcquire 

 # Go to TUI interface and CCD/TV Camera panel. 
 # Select BM-Ceta 
 # Double click on TuiAcquire.exe to execute.    This is most likely to fail in some of the validation steps.    Make correction to these settings and try again. 
 # When all validations are passed, you should see TIA starts acquiring movie series using Acquire preset of the CCD/TV Camera panel. 
 # Double click on TuiAcquire.exe again to stop movie series acquisition. 

 h3. TiaExportSeries 

 # Select TEM Imaging & Analysis (TIA) Window 
 # Make sure Export Series Shortcut is shown like in this screenshot !TIAexport.png!