


Buffer(Ingestion) Server setup » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Anchi Cheng, 03/11/2019 05:07 PM) → Revision 3/6 (Anchi Cheng, 03/11/2019 05:19 PM)

h1. Buffer(Ingestion) Server setup 

 NRAMM/SEMC uses a redundant system that keeps pre-processing (frame alignment and ctf estimation) independent between each Krios.    The buffer server also has a large enough storage to hold two weeks to a month of movie frames in case primary storage needs service. 

 {{include(NRAMM buffer server hardware)}} 

 The software and configuration requirement is described here: 

 h2. Software requirement for preprocessing 

 h3. Processing: 

 The same basic requirement for as any appion processing server. 
 ctfFind4, motioncor2, gctf 

 h3. Activate the use of buffer server in leginon database. 

 1. Create a directory for all the data to be saved.    For example /bufferdata/frames.    Make it readable by the users.  

 2. Run myami/dbschema/tools/ in Leginon environment. to link the buffer host and directory with the camera.    This association signals Appion to find movie frames on the buffer server rather than the primary storage. 

 Two files are essential which we run as root all the time. 

 * (Found in myami/leginon of your git clone) is used to move the movies from camera computer to the buffer server and change its name to match those of the Leginon sum images 
 * (Found in myami/leginon) is used to move the movies to the primary storage. 

 * A third program run as cron job that removes frame movies accumulate on the buffer server after they are expired (Not included). 

 h2. What to do when primary storage is down 

 We stop so that it does not try to copy Activate the frames from the use of buffer server. 

 server in leginon database. 

 Run myami/dbschema/tools/ in Leginon environment.