


Ceta camera support » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Anchi Cheng, 04/30/2017 09:33 AM) → Revision 3/6 (Anchi Cheng, 01/05/2018 02:55 PM)

h1. Ceta camera support 

 h2. Installation 

 Installation instruction is the same as Eagle, just replace the class name TIA_Eagle to TIA_Ceta 


 h2. Testing with pyscope 

 In python command 
 from form pyscope import tia 
 g = tia.TIA_Ceta() 

 {{include(pyscope_test_result array)}} 


 h2. Using Ceta camera in Leginon 

 Leginon does not handle Gain/Dark correction for Ceta camera.    It will not use Leginon-collected references even if you acquire them as it will make images worse. 

 Follow FEI's instruction in obtaining Gain/Dark References in the scope user interface. 

 Take an single exposure first in its Reference Manager Tab to make sure the intensity range is adequate.