



Faraday Cup Measurment Notes » History » Revision 6

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Jim Pulokas, 02/02/2011 01:11 PM

Faraday Cup Measurment Notes

Picoammeter setup:
  • plug in
  • wait 1 hour
  • activate ZCHK (maybe already when turned on) (should say ZC on screen)
  • plug into faraday holder
  • set to lowest range (2nA)
  • activate ZCOR to set zero (should say ZZ on screen)
  • set auto range if desired
  • deactivate ZCHK to begin measuring
  • focus beam to a spot
  • pull out holder until spot hits the faraday cup (max current)
    • 200keV
      • 1.01 nA
    • 120 keV
      • 2.53 nA

Exposure Time to Screen Current measurment

  • refer to Tecnai Help for "Exposure Time, Plate Camera CP"
  • formula: beam current (nA) = 2.15 * emulsion / measured_exposure_time
    • exp time is between 3.1 and 3.5 depending on size of beam
    • emulsion = 1
    • beam current is between 0.61 and 0.69 nA

Leginon screen scale factor measurement

  • adjust scale factor until beam current is same as faraday cup
    • 200 keV
      • 0.725
    • 120 keV

Camera sensitivity

  • 200 keV
    • 45-50 count/e
  • 120 keV
    • 107 count/e

2011-02-02 calibration on Tecnai 2:

  • faraday measurement: 1.52 nA
  • Tecnai main screen measurement (emulsion = 1): 2.15 / 2.6 = 0.83 nA
  • Leginon scale factor to match faraday current: 0.793

Updated by Jim Pulokas over 13 years ago · 6 revisions