


Gatan K2 Instruments cfg » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Anchi Cheng, 10/31/2013 05:38 PM) → Revision 5/7 (Anchi Cheng, 01/07/2014 10:08 PM)

The camera modes are configured as separate cameras as follows.     

 * Super Resolution should be double the size of Linear and Counting.   
 * zplane will be relative to any other cameras in your system.    Anything below K2 should have a lower zplane. 
 * to make the images acquired from the camera to have the [[Leginon Image Orientation|standard Leginon orientation]], the camera configuration in Digital Micrograph will need a rotation and flip (270 degree rotation and a horizontal flip around the vertical axis on our camera).    Therefore, *the height is longer than width* in the configuration below 

 <pre>[Gatan K2 Linear] 
 class: dmsem.GatanK2Linear 
 zplane: 50 
 width: 3710 
 height: 3838 

 [Gatan K2 Counting] 
 class: dmsem.GatanK2Counting 
 zplane: 50 
 width: 3710 
 height: 3838 

 [Gatan K2 Super] 
 class: dmsem.GatanK2Super 
 zplane: 50 
 width: 7420 
 height: 7676</pre> 

 If you have an Orius camera with K2, set its zplane below K2 like this: 
 class: dmsem.GatanOrius 
 zplane: 49 