



Gatan K2 Instruments cfg » History » Revision 6

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Anchi Cheng, 02/21/2014 08:30 PM

The camera modes are configured as separate cameras as follows.

  • Super Resolution should be double the size of Linear and Counting.
  • zplane will be relative to any other cameras in your system. Anything below K2 should have a lower zplane.
  • to make the images acquired from the camera to have the standard Leginon orientation, the camera configuration in Digital Micrograph will need a rotation and flip (270 degree rotation and a flip around the vertical axis on our camera). Therefore, the height is longer than width in the configuration below
[Gatan K2 Linear]
class: dmsem.GatanK2Linear
zplane: 50
width: 3710
height: 3838

[Gatan K2 Counting]
class: dmsem.GatanK2Counting
zplane: 50
width: 3710
height: 3838

[Gatan K2 Super]
class: dmsem.GatanK2Super
zplane: 50
width: 7420
height: 7676

If you have an Orius camera with K2, set its zplane below K2 like this:

class: dmsem.GatanOrius
zplane: 49
width: 2048
height: 2048

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 11 years ago · 6 revisions