Improving Autofocusing » History » Revision 1
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Amber Herold, 04/23/2010 08:37 AM
Improving Autofocusing¶
Because MSI-raster is normally used for acquiring images on negatively stained particles on continuous carbon, the intermediate mag preset (hl) often lacks contrast. To reduce focusing failure, we recommend a different focusing sequence for the Z focus node.
- Use Stage Alpha Tilt to determine defocus at the low magnification sq preset to do a rough stage-z adjustment to U-center
- Refine stage-z position at the high magnification fa preset and Use beam-tilt to determine the required correction.
- Enable = Yes
- Image registration= phase correlation
- Fit limit = 1000 (not used)
- Correct for delta Defocus/Z between 0 and 2e-4 meters
- Correction type = Stage Z
- Check drift greater than 3e-10 meters/s = No
- Stigmator correction = No
- Stigmator Defocus Max/Min = N/A
- preset = fa
- Correct for delta Defocus/Z between 0 and 2e-5 meters
Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago · 1 revisions