


Krios1-K2-NYSBC-large shift » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Anchi Cheng, 03/21/2019 06:43 PM) → Revision 3/6 (Anchi Cheng, 03/21/2019 06:43 PM)

h1. Krios1-K2-NYSBC-large shift 

 h1. Krios-K2 Presets used for 1.9 A mouse recombinant apoferritin reconstruction data collection at SEMC @ NYSBC 

 The same as [[Krios1-K2-NYSBC]] except 

 |Probe|_.Lens Series|Magnification:|_.Preset name:|_.Image Shift (x,y):|_.Dimension:|_.Binning:|_.Camera Dose (e/camera pixel/s):|_.Exposure Time (ms):|_.Specimen Dose Rate (e/A^2):|_.Spot Size:|_.Defocus (m):|_.C2 (um):|frame saving:|Camera| 
 |nano|SA|37000|en|0,0|3710x3838|1|4.2 e/pixel/s and ~1.12 um on the specimen|6000|58|6|(-1e-6 to -2e-6)|70|200 ms/frame|K2| 

 **This magnification is an magnifications are add-on to standard SA lens series made for NYSBC Krios1. May not be available at other scopes. 

 * Note: no defocal pair was acquired in this experiment.    Therefore, no ef preset.