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Anchi Cheng, 12/17/2012 06:44 PM

Manual Focusing Tool

Manual Focusing can be activated either by enabling "Manual_before/Manual_after" steps or directly when leginon is idle using (Z) Focus/Toolbar/MF.
  • Manual_before/Manual_after focus sequence:
    • The preset used is set inside focus sequence settings
  • Manual Focus Tool
    • When using Manual Focus Tool directly, the preset is set by the preset named "manual focus tool preset" found also in focuser node settings.
  • MF> The FFT should show visible and isotropic Thon ring according to the fc preset defocus.
  • MF/Toolbar> Make sure the move type is "Defocus" and the set value in the box is 0 m then click "Set instrument" botton . This will set the defocus to the current 0.
  • MF> The perfect autofocus result is that the FFT indicates that the scope is at Gaussian focus.
  • For relative movement, press "+" or "-". The step size is determined in MF/Toolbar/Settings>
  • To reset defocus to zero at the new focus, press the so-named button .
  • Clicking the Stop button exits the manual check.

Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 12 years ago · 2 revisions