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Anchi Cheng, 10/17/2012 05:00 PM

Load and Edit an existing application

Load application in Leginon Application Editor

  1. From Leginon main menu, select Application/Edit...>
  2. In Application Editor, select Application/Load> to select the desired application from the pull-down menu.

Make the changes to the application.

Change the class of a target finder node while retaining its bindings:

  1. right click on the name of the node (ended with the word "Targeting") and choose property
  2. choose the class you want to replace it with in the pop-up window,
  3. click o.k.

Example of adding a node of class MyNewClass named MyNewNode and give it a binding from MyExistingNode:

  1. right click on the name of the laucher main and choose Add Node.
  2. Choose from the pull down the node class you want
  3. Fill in a unique name for the node in the application. (You can use the same name in different application so that settings are shared)
  4. click o.k.

Binding from MyExistingNode to MyNewNode

  1. Right click on MyExistingNode and choose Bind Event...
  2. Choose MyNewNode as the "To Node"
  3. Choose a valid binding between the two.
  4. click o.k.

Save the application

  1. Application/ Save As> to save all the changes with a changed application name.
  2. Application/ Save> to overwrite existing application as a new version.

< Use the Application Editor to create Leginon applications | Edit an existing application as an xml file >

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 12 years ago · 8 revisions