


Reload and Edit an existing application » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Anchi Cheng, 09/16/2010 09:47 AM) → Revision 8/9 (Anchi Cheng, 10/17/2012 05:00 PM)

h1. Load and Edit an existing application 

 h2. #    Load application in Leginon Application Editor 

 # From Leginon main menu, select Application/Edit...> 
 # In Application Editor, select Application/Load> to select the desired application from the pull-down menu. 

 #    Make the changes to the application. 

 h3. Change > For example, to change the class of a target finder node while retaining its bindings: 

 # bindings, right click on the name of the node (ended with the word "Targeting") and choose property 
 # property, choose the class you want to replace it with in the pop-up window, 
 # and click o.k. 

 h3. Example of adding a node of class _MyNewClass_ named _MyNewNode_ and give it a binding from _MyExistingNode_: 

 # right click on the name of the laucher *main* and choose *Add Node*. 
 # Choose from the pull down the node class you want 
 # Fill in a unique name for the node in the application.    (You can use the same name in different application so that settings are shared) 
 # click o.k. 

 h3. Binding from _MyExistingNode_ to _MyNewNode_ 

 # Right click on _MyExistingNode_ and choose Bind Event... 
 # Choose _MyNewNode_ as the "To Node" 
 # Choose a valid binding between the two. 
 # click o.k.  

 h2. Save the application 

 # Application/ Save As> to save all the changes with a changed application name. 
 # Application/ Save> to overwrite existing application as a new version. 


 [[Use the Application Editor to create Leginon applications|< Use the Application Editor to create Leginon applications]] | [[Edit an existing application as an xml file|Edit an existing application as an xml file >]] 
