



Setup and Calibration for jeolcfg » History » Revision 2

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Anchi Cheng, 03/06/2015 03:02 PM

Setup and Calibration for jeol.cfg

All setup and calibrations are done on the computer that has access to JEOL's External COM through temext.dll.

Copy from pyscope/jeol.cfg.template to pyscope/jeol.cfg

The template is based on a JEM-2100F

Modify values in pyscope/jeol.cfg according to pyscope/

This is done manually until I finalize the procedure and set them automatically.

  1. Open pyscope/jeol.cfg with a text editor
  2. Modify "tem option" module values according to your tem.
  3. Save the changes and leave it open so that you can enter values as you go.

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago · 2 revisions