


Setup and Calibration for jeolcfg » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Anchi Cheng, 03/06/2015 12:30 AM) → Revision 2/26 (Anchi Cheng, 03/06/2015 03:02 PM)

h1. Setup and Calibration for jeol.cfg 

 All setup and calibrations are done on the computer that has access to JEOL's External External3 COM through temext.dll. interface. 

 h2. Copy from pyscope/jeol.cfg.template to pyscope/jeol.cfg 

 The template is based on a JEM-2100F 

 h2. Modify values in pyscope/jeol.cfg according to pyscope/ 

 This is done manually until I    finalize the procedure and set them automatically. 

 # Open pyscope/jeol.cfg with a text editor 
 # Modify "tem option" module values according to your tem. 
 # Save the changes and leave it open so that you can enter values as you go.