

Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez

  • Login: rhernand
  • Email:
  • Institution: Harvard University
  • Registered on: 10/05/2013
  • Last connection: 10/07/2013


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01:12 PM Leginon Software Installation: RE: error while trying to create a processing database
Thanks a lot! I think dropping the tables and setting them up trough the wizard again solved the problem,
thanks ...
Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez


11:59 AM Leginon Software Installation: RE: error while trying to create a processing database
the engine is not MyISAM but rather InnoDB,
mysql> show table status from projectdb where Name = 'projectexperime...
Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez


09:23 PM Leginon Software Installation: RE: error while trying to create a processing database
That worked!I guess this means that somewhere in the code sinedon is not doing this for the other cases?
Python ...
Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez
07:37 PM Leginon Software Installation: RE: error while trying to create a processing database
The way I am uploading the images is as follow:
1. "Open myamiweb http://localhost/myamiweb/"
2. Go to project da...
Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez
06:24 PM Leginon Software Installation: RE: error while trying to create a processing database
I checked all pages, none display the sessions,
Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez
06:04 PM Leginon Software Installation: RE: error while trying to create a processing database
thanks for your help,
I typed the above commands directly in my terminal and did not get any error, yet the...
Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez
07:56 AM Leginon Software Installation: RE: error while trying to create a processing database
No, the sessions do not show up in the project page,
the two commands you ask me to check output the following:
Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez


03:18 PM Leginon Software Installation: RE: error while trying to create a processing database
when I setup the data base I used the web tools set up wizard and did not enable the login feature
These are the o...
Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez
03:08 PM Leginon Software Installation: RE: error while trying to create a processing database
how do I check whether I've activated login and the login group, and what the logged user is?
I did review...
Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez


04:19 PM Leginon Software Installation: error while trying to create a processing database
I am getting the following message when trying to access the processing plugging for any of my projects,
Rogelio Hernandez-Lopez

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