


Bug #1359 »

Amber Herold, 06/19/2012 04:45 PM

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import math
import re
import time
import glob
import numpy
from pyami import imagefun
from appionlib import appionLoop2
from appionlib import apImage
from appionlib import apDisplay
from appionlib import apDatabase
from appionlib.apCtf import ctfdb
from appionlib import apDefocalPairs
from appionlib import appiondata
from appionlib import apParticle
from appionlib import apFile
from appionlib import apMask
from appionlib import apBoxer
from appionlib import apSizing

class ParticleExtractLoop(appionLoop2.AppionLoop):
## Check pixel size
def checkPixelSize(self):
# make sure that images all have same pixel size:
# first get pixel size of first image:
self.params['apix'] = None
for imgdata in self.imgtree:
# get pixel size
imgname = imgdata['filename']
if imgname in self.donedict:
if self.params['apix'] is None:
self.params['apix'] = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)
apDisplay.printMsg("Stack pixelsize = %.3f A"%(self.params['apix']))
if apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata) != self.params['apix']:
apDisplay.printMsg("Image pixelsize %.3f A != Stack pixelsize %.3f A"%(apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata), self.params['apix']))
apDisplay.printMsg("Problem image name: %s"%(apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])))
apDisplay.printError("This particle selection run contains images of varying pixelsizes, a stack cannot be created")

def getParticlesFromStack(self, stackdata,imgdata,is_defocpair=False):
For image (or defocal pair), imgdata get particles in corresponding stack
if is_defocpair is True:
sibling, shiftpeak = apDefocalPairs.getShiftFromImage(imgdata, self.params['sessionname'])
if shiftpeak is None:
return []
shiftdata = {'shiftx':shiftpeak['shift'][0], 'shifty':shiftpeak['shift'][1], 'scale':shiftpeak['scalefactor']}
searchimgdata = sibling
searchimgdata = imgdata
shiftdata = {'shiftx':0, 'shifty':0, 'scale':1}

partq = appiondata.ApParticleData()
partq['image'] = searchimgdata

stackpartq = appiondata.ApStackParticleData()
stackpartq['stack'] = stackdata
stackpartq['particle'] = partq
stackpartdatas = stackpartq.query()

partdatas = []
for stackpartdata in stackpartdatas:
partdata = self.getParticleFromPartData(stackpartdata)
return partdatas, shiftdata
### allow sub class to override, hack for makestacksorted
def getParticleFromPartData(self, stackpartdata):
return stackpartdata['particle']

def getParticlesInImage(self,imgdata):
if self.params['defocpair'] is True and self.params['selectionid'] is not None:
# using defocal pairs and particle picks
partdatas, shiftdata = apParticle.getDefocPairParticles(imgdata, self.params['selectionid'], self.params['particlelabel'])
elif self.params['fromstackid'] is not None:
# using previous stack to make a new stack
fromstackdata = appiondata.ApStackData.direct_query(self.params['fromstackid'])
partdatas, shiftdata = self.getParticlesFromStack(fromstackdata,imgdata,self.params['defocpair'],)
# using particle picks
partdatas = apParticle.getParticles(imgdata, self.params['selectionid'], self.params['particlelabel'])
shiftdata = {'shiftx':0, 'shifty':0, 'scale':1}

apDisplay.printMsg("Found %d particles"%(len(partdatas)))

### apply correlation limits
if self.params['correlationmin'] or self.params['correlationmax']:
partdatas = self.eliminateMinMaxCCParticles(partdatas)

### apply masks
if self.params['checkmask']:
partdatas = self.eliminateMaskedParticles(partdatas, imgdata)
return partdatas,shiftdata

## Rejection Criteria

## skip image if additional criteria is not met
def rejectImage(self, imgdata):
shortname = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])

if self.params['mag']:
if not apDatabase.checkMag(imgdata, self.params['mag']):
apDisplay.printColor(shortname+" was not at the specific magnification","cyan")
return False

return True

## get CTF parameters and skip image if criteria is not met

def checkRequireCtf(self):
return self.params['ctfcutoff'] or self.params['mindefocus'] or self.params['maxdefocus']

def getCtfValueConfidenceForImage(self,imgdata,msg=False):
method = self.params['ctfmethod']
ctfrunid = self.params['ctfrunid']
if ctfrunid is None:
return ctfdb.getBestCtfValueForImage(imgdata,msg=msg,method=method)
return ctfdb.getCtfValueForImage(imgdata, ctfrunid, msg=msg, method=method)

def getDefocusAmpConstForImage(self,imgdata,msg=False):
method = self.params['ctfmethod']
ctfrunid = self.params['ctfrunid']
if ctfrunid is None:
return ctfdb.getBestDefocusAndAmpConstForImage(imgdata, msg=msg, method=method)
return ctfdb.getDefocusAndAmpConstForImage(imgdata, ctf_estimation_runid=ctfrunid, msg=msg, method=method)

def checkCtfParams(self, imgdata):
shortname = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])
ctfvalue, conf = self.getCtfValueConfidenceForImage(imgdata,False)

### check if we have values and if we care
if ctfvalue is None:
return not self.checkRequireCtf()

### check that CTF estimation is above confidence threshold
if self.params['ctfcutoff'] and conf < self.params['ctfcutoff']:
#apDisplay.printColor(shortname+" is below CTF threshold (conf="+str(round(conf,3))+")\n","cyan")
return False

### get best defocus value
### defocus should be in negative meters
if ctfvalue['defocus2'] is not None and ctfvalue['defocus1'] != ctfvalue['defocus2']:
defocus = (ctfvalue['defocus1'] + ctfvalue['defocus2'])/2.0
defocus = ctfvalue['defocus1']
defocus = -1.0*abs(defocus)

### assume defocus values are ALWAYS negative but mindefocus is greater than maxdefocus
if self.params['mindefocus']:
self.params['mindefocus'] = -abs( self.params['mindefocus'] )
if self.params['maxdefocus']:
self.params['maxdefocus'] = -abs( self.params['maxdefocus'] )
if self.params['mindefocus'] and self.params['maxdefocus']:
if self.params['maxdefocus'] > self.params['mindefocus']:
mindef = self.params['mindefocus']
maxdef = self.params['maxdefocus']
self.params['mindefocus'] = maxdef
self.params['maxdefocus'] = mindef
### skip micrograph that have defocus above or below min & max defocus levels
if self.params['mindefocus'] and defocus > self.params['mindefocus']:
#apDisplay.printColor(shortname+" defocus ("+str(round(defocus*1e6,2))+\
# " um) is less than mindefocus ("+str(self.params['mindefocus']*1e6)+" um)\n","cyan")
return False
if self.params['maxdefocus'] and defocus < self.params['maxdefocus']:
#apDisplay.printColor(shortname+" defocus ("+str(round(defocus*1e6,2))+\
# " um) is greater than maxdefocus ("+str(self.params['maxdefocus']*1e6)+" um)\n","cyan")
return False

return True

def checkDefocus(self, defocus, shortname):
if defocus > 0:
apDisplay.printError("defocus is positive "+str(defocus)+" for image "+shortname)
elif defocus < -1.0e3:
apDisplay.printError("defocus is very big "+str(defocus)+" for image "+shortname)
elif defocus > -1.0e-3:
apDisplay.printError("defocus is very small "+str(defocus)+" for image "+shortname)

def eliminateMinMaxCCParticles(self, particles):
newparticles = []
eliminated = 0
for prtl in particles:
if self.params['correlationmin'] and prtl['correlation'] < self.params['correlationmin']:
eliminated += 1
elif self.params['correlationmax'] and prtl['correlation'] > self.params['correlationmax']:
eliminated += 1
if eliminated > 0:
apDisplay.printMsg(str(eliminated)+" particle(s) eliminated due to min or max correlation cutoff")
return newparticles

def eliminateMaskedParticles(self, particles, imgdata):
newparticles = []
eliminated = 0
sessiondata = apDatabase.getSessionDataFromSessionName(self.params['sessionname'])
if self.params['defocpair']:
imgdata = apDefocalPairs.getTransformedDefocPair(imgdata,2)
maskimg,maskbin = apMask.makeInspectedMask(sessiondata,self.params['maskassess'],imgdata)
if maskimg is not None:
for prtl in particles:
particle = self.setParticleData(prtl)
binnedcoord = (int(particle['ycoord']/maskbin),int(particle['xcoord']/maskbin))
if maskimg[binnedcoord] != 0:
eliminated += 1
apDisplay.printMsg("%i particle(s) eliminated due to masking"%eliminated)
apDisplay.printMsg("no masking")
newparticles = particles
return newparticles

## Common parameters

def setupParserOptions(self):
self.ctfestopts = ('ace2', 'ctffind')

### values
self.parser.add_option("--bin", dest="bin", type="int", default=1,
help="Bin the particles after extracting", metavar="#")
self.parser.add_option("--ctfcutoff", dest="ctfcutoff", type="float",
help="CTF cut off")
self.parser.add_option("--mincc", dest="correlationmin", type="float",
help="particle correlation mininum")
self.parser.add_option("--maxcc", dest="correlationmax", type="float",
help="particle correlation maximum")
self.parser.add_option("--mindef", dest="mindefocus", type="float",
help="minimum defocus")
self.parser.add_option("--maxdef", dest="maxdefocus", type="float",
help="maximum defocus")
self.parser.add_option("--selectionid", dest="selectionid", type="int",
help="particle picking runid")
self.parser.add_option("--fromstackid", dest="fromstackid", type="int",
help="redo a stack from a previous stack")
self.parser.add_option("--ctfrunid", dest="ctfrunid", type="int",
help="consider only specific ctfrun")
self.parser.add_option("--partlimit", dest="partlimit", type="int",
help="particle limit")
self.parser.add_option("--mag", dest="mag", type="int",
help="process only images of magification, mag")
self.parser.add_option("--maskassess", dest="maskassess",
help="Assessed mask run name")
self.parser.add_option("--label", dest="particlelabel", type="str", default=None,
help="select particles by label within the same run name")
self.parser.add_option("--ddstartframe", dest="startframe", type="int", default=1,
help="starting frame for direct detector raw frame processing")
self.parser.add_option("--ddnframe", dest="nframe", type="int", default=0,
help="total frames to sum up for direct detector raw frame processing")

### true/false
self.parser.add_option("--defocpair", dest="defocpair", default=False,
action="store_true", help="select defocal pair")

self.parser.add_option("--checkmask", dest="checkmask", default=False,
action="store_true", help="Check masks")
self.parser.add_option("--keepall", dest="keepall", default=False,
action="store_true", help="Do not delete CTF corrected MRC files when finishing")
self.parser.add_option("--usedownmrc", dest="usedownmrc", default=False,
action="store_true", help="Use existing *.down.mrc in processing")

### option based
self.parser.add_option("--ctfmethod", dest="ctfmethod",
help="Only use ctf values coming from this method of estimation", metavar="TYPE",
type="choice", choices=self.ctfestopts)

def checkConflicts(self):
if self.params['description'] is None:
apDisplay.printError("A description has to be specified")
if (self.params['mindefocus'] is not None and
(self.params['mindefocus'] < -1e-3 or self.params['mindefocus'] > -1e-9)):
apDisplay.printError("min defocus is not in an acceptable range, e.g. mindefocus=-1.5e-6")
if (self.params['maxdefocus'] is not None and
(self.params['maxdefocus'] < -1e-3 or self.params['maxdefocus'] > -1e-9)):
apDisplay.printError("max defocus is not in an acceptable range, e.g. maxdefocus=-1.5e-6")
if self.params['fromstackid'] is not None and self.params['selectionid'] is not None:
apDisplay.printError("please only specify one of either --selectionid or --fromstackid")
if self.params['fromstackid'] is None and self.params['selectionid'] is None:
apDisplay.printError("please specify one of either --selectionid or --fromstackid")
if self.params['maskassess'] is None and self.params['checkmask']:
apDisplay.printError("particle mask assessment run need to be defined to check mask")
if self.params['maskassess'] is not None and not self.params['checkmask']:
apDisplay.printMsg("running mask assess")
self.params['checkmask'] = True

def checkIsDD(self):
if self.params['nframe'] > 0:
self.is_dd_frames = True

def preLoopFunctions(self):
self.is_dd_frames = False
self.batchboxertimes = []
self.ctftimes = []
self.mergestacktimes = []
self.meanreadtimes = []
self.insertdbtimes = []
self.noimages = False
self.totalpart = 0
if self.is_dd_frames:
from appionlib import apDDprocess
self.dd = apDDprocess.DirectDetectorProcessing()
if len(self.imgtree) == 0:
apDisplay.printWarning("No images were found to process")
self.noimages = True
self.selectiondata = None
if self.params['selectionid'] is not None:
self.selectiondata = apParticle.getSelectionRunDataFromID(self.params['selectionid'])
if self.params['particlelabel'] == 'fromtrace':
if (not self.selectiondata['manparams'] or not self.selectiondata['manparams']['trace']):
apDisplay.printError("Can not use traced object center to extract boxed area without tracing")
self.params['particlelabel'] = '_trace'
apDisplay.printMsg("Starting at particle number: "+str(self.particleNumber))

if self.params['partlimit'] is not None and self.particleNumber > self.params['partlimit']:
apDisplay.printError("Number of particles in existing stack already exceeds limit!")
self.logpeaks = 2

def setStartingParticleNumber(self):
self.particleNumber = self.existingParticleNumber

def convertTraceToParticlePeaks(self,imgdata):
def reprocessImage(self, imgdata):
True, if an image should be reprocessed
False, if an image was processed and should NOT be reprocessed
None, if image has not yet been processed
e.g. a confidence less than 80%
# check to see if image is rejected by other criteria
if self.rejectImage(imgdata) is False:
return False
# check CTF parameters for image and skip if criteria is not met
if self.checkCtfParams(imgdata) is False:
return False
return None

### Allow sub-classes to modify this
def callProcessParticles(self, imgdata, partdatas, shiftdata):
total_processed_particles = self.processParticles(imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata)
return total_processed_particles
def processImage(self, imgdata):
imgname = imgdata['filename']
shortname = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])

### first remove any existing boxed files
shortfileroot = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], shortname)
if not self.params['usedownmrc']:
# remove all previous temp files
rmfiles = glob.glob(shortfileroot+"*")
# limit the files to be removed
rmfiles = glob.glob(shortfileroot+".*")

for rmfile in rmfiles:

### convert contours to particles
if self.selectiondata and self.params['particlelabel'] == '_trace':

### get particles
partdatas,shiftdata = self.getParticlesInImage(imgdata)

### check if we have particles
if len(partdatas) == 0:
apDisplay.printColor(shortname+" has no remaining particles and has been rejected\n","cyan")
total_processed_particles = None
### process partdatas
total_processed_particles = self.callProcessParticles(imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata)

if total_processed_particles is None:
self.totalpart = len(partdatas)+self.totalpart
self.totalpart = total_processed_particles
### check if particle limit is met
if self.params['partlimit'] is not None and self.totalpart > self.params['partlimit']:
apDisplay.printWarning("reached particle number limit of "+str(self.params['partlimit'])+" now stopping")
self.imgtree = []
self.notdone = False

def processParticles(self,imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata):
this is the main component
it should return the total number of processed particles if available otherwise, it returns None
raise NotImplementedError()

def loopCleanUp(self,imgdata):
### last remove any existing boxed files, reset global params
shortname = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])
shortfileroot = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], shortname)
rmfiles = glob.glob(shortfileroot+"*")
if not self.params['keepall']:
for rmfile in rmfiles:

# PaeticleExtract with Elimination of boxed particle cropped by the image
class ParticleBoxLoop(ParticleExtractLoop):
def setupParserOptions(self):
self.parser.add_option("--boxsize", dest="boxsize", type="int",
help="particle box size in pixel")
self.parser.add_option("--rotate", dest="rotate", default=False,
action="store_true", help="Apply rotation angles of ,for example, helix")

def checkConflicts(self):
if self.params['boxsize'] is None:
apDisplay.printError("A boxsize has to be specified")

def preLoopFunctions(self):
self.boxsize = int(self.params['boxsize'])
if self.params['rotate'] is True:
### with rotate we use a bigger boxsize
self.half_box = int(1.5*self.boxsize/2)
self.half_box = int(math.floor(self.boxsize / 2.0))

def getParticlesInImage(self,imgdata):
partdatas,shiftdata = super(ParticleBoxLoop,self).getParticlesInImage(imgdata)
return self.removeBoxOutOfImage(imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata),shiftdata

### allow subclass to override, quick hack for makestacksorted
def setParticleData(self, partdata):
return partdata
def removeBoxOutOfImage(self,imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata):
imgdims = imgdata['camera']['dimension']
newpartdatas = []
for partdata in partdatas:
particleData = self.setParticleData(partdata)
start_x,start_y = apBoxer.getBoxStartPosition(imgdata,self.half_box,particleData, shiftdata)
if apBoxer.checkBoxInImage(imgdims,start_x,start_y,self.boxsize):
return newpartdatas

class Test(ParticleExtractLoop):
def processParticles(self,imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata):
for partdata in partdatas:
print partdata['xcoord'],partdata['ycoord']
return None

def commitToDatabase(self,imgdata):

if __name__ == '__main__':
makeStack = Test()
