#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import math
import re
import time
import glob
import socket
import numpy
import subprocess
import copy
from scipy import stats
from scipy import ndimage
from pyami import imagefun
from appionlib import apParticleExtractor
from appionlib import apImage
from appionlib import apDisplay
from appionlib import apDatabase
from appionlib.apCtf import ctfdb
from appionlib import apStack
from appionlib import apDefocalPairs
from appionlib import appiondata
from appionlib import apStackMeanPlot
from appionlib import apEMAN
from appionlib import apProject
from appionlib import apPrimeFactor
from appionlib import apFile
from appionlib import apParam
from appionlib import apImagicFile
from appionlib import apMask
from appionlib import apXmipp
from appionlib import apBoxer
from appionlib.apSpider import filters
class Makestack2Loop(apParticleExtractor.ParticleBoxLoop):
## Retrive existing stack info
def getExistingStackInfo(self):
stackfile=os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['single'])
stackid = apStack.getStackIdFromPath(stackfile)
numdbpart = len(apStack.getStackParticlesFromId(stackid))
if numdbpart == 0:
self.params['continue'] = False
apDisplay.printWarning("file exists but no particles in database, deleting stack file")
return 0
### we now have particles in the database
if self.params['continue'] is False:
apDisplay.printWarning("particles exist in database, must force continue")
self.params['continue'] = True
### we better have the same number of particles in the file and the database
numfilepart = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)
if numfilepart != numdbpart:
apDisplay.printError("database and file have different number of particles, create a new stack this one is corrupt")
return numfilepart
def processParticles(self, imgdata, partdatas, shiftdata):
shortname = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])
### if only selected points along helix,
### fill in points with helical step
if self.params['helicalstep']:
apix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)
partdatas = self.fillWithHelicalStep(partdatas, apix)
### run batchboxer
self.boxedpartdatas, self.imgstackfile, self.partmeantree = self.boxParticlesFromImage(imgdata, partdatas, shiftdata)
if self.boxedpartdatas is None:
apDisplay.printWarning("no particles were boxed from " + shortname + "\n")
self.badprocess = True
return None
self.stats['lastpeaks'] = len(self.boxedpartdatas)
apDisplay.printMsg("do not break function now otherwise it will corrupt run")
### merge image particles into big stack
totalpart = self.mergeImageStackIntoBigStack(self.imgstackfile, imgdata)
### create a stack average every so often
if self.stats['lastpeaks'] > 0:
logpeaks = math.log(self.existingParticleNumber + self.stats['peaksum'] + self.stats['lastpeaks'])
if logpeaks > self.logpeaks:
self.logpeaks = math.ceil(logpeaks)
numpeaks = math.ceil(math.exp(self.logpeaks))
apDisplay.printMsg("averaging stack, next average at %d particles" % (numpeaks))
stackpath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.hed")
return totalpart
def removeBoxOutOfImage(self,imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata):
# if using a helical step, particles will be filled between picks,
# so don't want to throw picks out right now
if self.params['helicalstep'] is not None:
return partdatas
return super(Makestack2Loop,self).removeBoxOutOfImage(imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata)
def fillWithHelicalStep(self,partdatas,apix):
each helix should be distinguished by a different angle number,
fill in particles along the helices using the specified step size
return a new copy of the partdatas
## convert helicalstep to pixels
for part in partdatas:
if currentx==lastx and currenty==lasty:
### only fill in within the same helix
if currenthelix==lasthelix:
angle = math.atan2((currentx-lastx),(currenty-lasty))
### in order for helix to be continuous, we can't simply
### start exactly from the current point
### we have to figure out what was leftover from the last
### portion of the helix, and redefine the starting point
if leftover > 0:
pixdistance = math.hypot(lastx-currentx, lasty-currenty)
# get number of particles between the two points
# keep remainder to continue the helix
leftover = pixdistance-(numsteps*steppix)
#print "should take %i steps at %i pixels per step, (leftover:%i)"%(numsteps,steppix,leftover)
for step in range(numsteps+1):
# convert angle for appion database
apDisplay.printMsg("Filled %i helices with %i helical segments"%(numhelices,len(newpartdatas)))
return newpartdatas
def getDDImageArray(self,imgdata):
return self.dd.correctFrameImage(self.params['startframe'],self.params['nframe'])
def getOriginalImagePath(self, imgdata):
imgname = imgdata['filename']
shortname = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])
imgpath = os.path.join(imgdata['session']['image path'], imgdata['filename']+".mrc")
if self.params['nframe'] != 0:
self.params['uncorrected'] = True
### dark/bright correct image
tmpname = shortname+"-darknorm.dwn.mrc"
imgpath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], tmpname)
if not self.params['usedownmrc'] or not os.path.isfile(imgpath):
imgarray = self.getDDImageArray(imgdata)
return imgpath
def buildImgStackFileName(self, name, partnumber):
return os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], name+".hed")
def boxParticlesFromImage(self, imgdata,partdatas,shiftdata):
shortname = apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])
### convert database particle data to coordinates and write boxfile
boxfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], imgdata['filename']+".box")
parttree, boxedpartdatas = apBoxer.processParticleData(imgdata, self.boxsize,
partdatas, shiftdata, boxfile, rotate=self.params['rotate'])
if self.params['boxfiles']:
### quit and return, boxfile created, now process next image
return None, None, None
### check if we have particles again
if len(partdatas) == 0 or len(parttree) == 0:
apDisplay.printColor(shortname+" has no remaining particles and has been rejected\n","cyan")
return None, None, None
### get corrected leginon image path. This will make corrected integrated frame image, too.
imgpath = self.getOriginalImagePath(imgdata)
t0 = time.time()
if self.params['phaseflipped'] is True:
if self.params['fliptype'] == 'emanimage':
### ctf correct whole image using EMAN
imgpath = self.phaseFlipWholeImage(imgpath, imgdata)
elif self.params['fliptype'] == "spiderimage":
imgpath = self.phaseFlipSpider(imgpath,imgdata)
elif self.params['fliptype'][:9] == "ace2image":
### ctf correct whole image using Ace 2
imgpath = self.phaseFlipAceTwo(imgpath, imgdata)
if imgpath is None:
return None, None, None
### run apBoxer
### find the particle number, this is used by makestackSorted.py
if 'particleNumber' in partdatas[0]:
partnumber = partdatas[0]['particleNumber']
partnumber = 0
imgstackfile = self.buildImgStackFileName(shortname, partnumber)
#emancmd = ("batchboxer input=%s dbbox=%s output=%s newsize=%i"
# %(imgpath, emanboxfile, imgstackfile, self.params['boxsize']))
apDisplay.printMsg("boxing "+str(len(parttree))+" particles into temp file: "+imgstackfile)
t0 = time.time()
if self.params['rotate'] is True:
apBoxer.boxerRotate(imgpath, parttree, imgstackfile, self.boxsize)
if self.params['finealign'] is True:
apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(imgstackfile, filetype="mrc")
rotcmd = "s_finealign %s %i" %(self.params['rundir'], self.boxsize)
apParam.runCmd(rotcmd, "HIP", verbose=True)
# read in text file containing refined angles
anglepath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], 'angles.out')
f = open(anglepath, 'r')
angles = f.readlines()
# loop through parttree and add refined angle to rough angle
for i in range(len(parttree)):
partdict = parttree[i]
fineangle = float(angles[i])
newangle = float(partdict['angle'])-fineangle
partdict['angle'] = newangle
# rerun apBoxer.boxerRotate with the new parttree containing final angles
apBoxer.boxerRotate(imgpath, parttree, imgstackfile, self.boxsize)
apBoxer.boxer(imgpath, parttree, imgstackfile, self.boxsize)
### read mean and stdev
partmeantree = []
t0 = time.time()
imagicdata = apImagicFile.readImagic(imgstackfile)
apDisplay.printMsg("gathering mean and stdev data")
### loop over the particles and read data
for i in range(len(boxedpartdatas)):
partdata = boxedpartdatas[i]
partarray = imagicdata['images'][i]
### if particle stdev == 0, then it is all constant, i.e., a bad particle
stdev = float(partarray.std())
if stdev < 1.0e-6:
apDisplay.printError("Standard deviation == 0 for particle %d in image %s"%(i,shortname))
### skew and kurtosis
partravel = numpy.ravel(partarray)
skew = float(stats.skew(partravel))
kurtosis = float(stats.kurtosis(partravel))
### edge and center stats
edgemean = float(ndimage.mean(partarray, self.edgemap, 1.0))
edgestdev = float(ndimage.standard_deviation(partarray, self.edgemap, 1.0))
centermean = float(ndimage.mean(partarray, self.edgemap, 0.0))
centerstdev = float(ndimage.standard_deviation(partarray, self.edgemap, 0.0))
### take abs of all means, because ctf whole image may become negative
partmeandict = {
'partdata': partdata,
'mean': abs(float(partarray.mean())),
'stdev': stdev,
'min': float(partarray.min()),
'max': float(partarray.max()),
'skew': skew,
'kurtosis': kurtosis,
'edgemean': abs(edgemean),
'edgestdev': edgestdev,
'centermean': abs(centermean),
'centerstdev': centerstdev,
### show stats for first particle
if i == 0:
keys = partmeandict.keys()
mystr = "PART STATS: "
for key in keys:
if isinstance(partmeandict[key], float):
mystr += "%s=%.3f :: "%(key, partmeandict[key])
print mystr
### if xmipp-norm before phaseflip:
if self.params['xmipp-norm'] is not None and self.params['xmipp-norm-before'] is True:
### phase flipping
t0 = time.time()
if self.params['phaseflipped'] is True:
if self.params['fliptype'] == 'emantilt':
### ctf correct individual particles with tilt using Eman
imgstackfile = self.tiltPhaseFlipParticles(imgdata, imgstackfile, boxedpartdatas)
elif self.params['fliptype'] == 'emanpart':
### ctf correct individual particles using Eman
imgstackfile = self.phaseFlipParticles(imgdata, imgstackfile)
apDisplay.printMsg("phase flipped whole image already")
apDisplay.printMsg("not phase flipping particles")
numpart = apFile.numImagesInStack(imgstackfile)
apDisplay.printMsg(str(numpart)+" particles were boxed out from "+shortname)
if len(parttree) != numpart:
apDisplay.printError("There is a mismatch in the number of particles expected and that were boxed")
return boxedpartdatas, imgstackfile, partmeantree
## CTF correction functions
def getCS(self, ctfvalue):
if ctfvalue['cs']:
cs = ctfvalue['cs']
elif ctfvalue['acerun']['ace2_params']:
elif ctfvalue['acerun']['ctftilt_params']:
if cs is None:
### apply hard coded value, in case of missing cs value
apDisplay.printWarning("No CS value found in database, setting to 2.0")
cs = 2.0
return cs
def tiltPhaseFlipParticles(self, imgdata, imgstackfile, partdatas):
ctfvalue = ctfdb.getBestTiltCtfValueForImage(imgdata)
if ctfvalue is None:
apDisplay.printError("Failed to get ctf parameters")
apix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)
ctfimgstackfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])+"-ctf.hed")
ampconst = ctfvalue['amplitude_contrast']
### calculate defocus at given position
dimx = imgdata['camera']['dimension']['x']
dimy = imgdata['camera']['dimension']['y']
CX = dimx/2
CY = dimy/2
if ctfvalue['tilt_axis_angle'] is not None:
N1 = -1.0 * math.sin( math.radians(ctfvalue['tilt_axis_angle']) )
N2 = math.cos( math.radians(ctfvalue['tilt_axis_angle']) )
N1 = 0.0
N2 = 1.0
PSIZE = apix
### High tension on CM is given in kv instead of v so do not divide by 1000 in that case
if imgdata['scope']['tem']['name'] == "CM":
voltage = imgdata['scope']['high tension']
voltage = (imgdata['scope']['high tension'])/1000
# find cs
cs = self.getCS(ctfvalue)
imagicdata = apImagicFile.readImagic(imgstackfile)
ctfpartstack = []
for i in range(len(partdatas)):
partdata = partdatas[i]
prepartarray = imagicdata['images'][i]
prepartmrc = "rawpart.dwn.mrc"
postpartmrc = "ctfpart.dwn.mrc"
apImage.arrayToMrc(prepartarray, prepartmrc, msg=False)
### calculate ctf based on position
NX = partdata['xcoord']
NY = dimy-partdata['ycoord'] # reverse due to boxer flip
DX = CX - NX
DY = CY - NY
DF = (N1*DX + N2*DY) * PSIZE * math.tan( math.radians(ctfvalue['tilt_angle']) )
### defocus is in Angstroms
DFL1 = abs(ctfvalue['defocus1'])*1.0e10 + DF
DFL2 = abs(ctfvalue['defocus2'])*1.0e10 + DF
DF_final = (DFL1+DFL2)/2.0
### convert defocus to microns
defocus = DF_final*-1.0e-4
### check to make sure defocus is a reasonable value for applyctf
self.checkDefocus(defocus, apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename']))
parmstr = ("parm=%f,200,1,%.3f,0,17.4,9,1.53,%i,%.1f,%f"
%(defocus, ampconst, voltage, cs, apix))
emancmd = ("applyctf %s %s %s setparm flipphase" % (prepartmrc, postpartmrc, parmstr))
apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=False)
ctfpartarray = apImage.mrcToArray(postpartmrc, msg=False)
apImagicFile.writeImagic(ctfpartstack, ctfimgstackfile)
return ctfimgstackfile
def phaseFlipParticles(self, imgdata, imgstackfile):
imgname = imgdata['filename']
shortname = apDisplay.short(imgname)
ctfimgstackfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], apDisplay.short(imgdata['filename'])+"-ctf.hed")
### High tension on CM is given in kv instead of v so do not divide by 1000 in that case
if imgdata['scope']['tem']['name'] == "CM":
voltage = imgdata['scope']['high tension']
voltage = (imgdata['scope']['high tension'])/1000
apix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)
### get the adjusted defocus value for no astigmatism
defocus, ampconst = self.getDefocusAmpConstForImage(imgdata,True)
defocus *= 1.0e6
### check to make sure defocus is a reasonable value for applyctf
self.checkDefocus(defocus, shortname)
### get all CTF parameters, we also need to get the CS value from the database
ctfdata, score = self.getCtfValueConfidenceForImage(imgdata, False)
#ampconst = ctfdata['amplitude_contrast'] ### we could use this too
# find cs
cs = self.getCS(ctfdata)
// from EMAN1 source code: EMAN/src/eman/libEM/EMTypes.h
and EMAN/src/eman/libEM/EMDataA.C
struct CTFParam {
float defocus; // in microns, negative underfocus
float bfactor; // not needed for phaseflip, envelope function width (Pi/2 * Wg)^2
float amplitude; // not needed for phaseflip,
ctf amplitude, mutliplied times the entire equation
float ampcont; // number from 0 to 1, sqrt(1 - a^2) format
float noise1/exps4; // not needed for phaseflip, noise exponential decay amplitude
float noise2; // not needed for phaseflip, width
float noise3; // not needed for phaseflip, noise gaussian amplitude
float noise4; // not needed for phaseflip, noide gaussian width
float voltage; // in kilovolts
float cs; // in millimeters
float apix; // in Angstroms per pixel
noise follows noise3*exp[ -1*(pi/2*noise4*x0)^2 - x0*noise2 - sqrt(fabs(x0))*noise1]
parmstr = ("parm=%f,200,1,%.3f,0,17.4,9,1.53,%i,%.1f,%f"
%(defocus, ampconst, voltage, cs, apix))
emancmd = ("applyctf %s %s %s setparm flipphase"
%(imgstackfile, ctfimgstackfile, parmstr))
apDisplay.printMsg("phaseflipping particles with defocus "+str(round(defocus,3))+" microns")
apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=True)
return ctfimgstackfile
def phaseFlipWholeImage(self, inimgpath, imgdata):
imgname = imgdata['filename']
shortname = apDisplay.short(imgname)
outimgpath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], shortname+"-ctfcorrect.dwn.mrc")
### High tension on CM is given in kv instead of v so do not divide by 1000 in that case
if imgdata['scope']['tem']['name'] == "CM":
voltage = imgdata['scope']['high tension']
voltage = (imgdata['scope']['high tension'])/1000
apix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)
defocus, ampconst = self.getDefocusAmpConstForImage(imgdata, True)
defocus *= 1.0e6
self.checkDefocus(defocus, shortname)
### get all CTF parameters, we also need to get the CS value from the database
ctfdata, score = self.getCtfValueConfidenceForImage(imgdata,False)
#ampconst = ctfdata['amplitude_contrast'] ### we could use this too
# find cs
cs = self.getCS(ctfdata)
parmstr = ("parm=%f,200,1,%.3f,0,17.4,9,1.53,%i,%.1f,%f" %(defocus, ampconst, voltage, cs, apix))
emancmd = ("applyctf %s %s %s setparm flipphase" % (inimgpath, outimgpath, parmstr))
apDisplay.printMsg("phaseflipping entire micrograph with defocus "+str(round(defocus,3))+" microns")
apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=True)
return outimgpath
def getACE2Path(self):
exename = 'ace2correct.exe'
ace2exe = subprocess.Popen("which "+exename, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().strip()
if not os.path.isfile(ace2exe):
ace2exe = os.path.join(apParam.getAppionDirectory(), 'bin', exename)
if not os.path.isfile(ace2exe):
apDisplay.printError(exename+" was not found at: "+apParam.getAppionDirectory())
return ace2exe
def phaseFlipAceTwo(self, inimgpath, imgdata):
apix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)
bestctfvalue, bestconf = self.getCtfValueConfidenceForImage(imgdata, True)
if bestctfvalue is None:
apDisplay.printWarning("No ctf estimation for current image")
self.badprocess = True
return None
if bestctfvalue['acerun'] is None:
apDisplay.printWarning("No ctf runid for current image")
self.badprocess = True
return None
if bestctfvalue['ctfvalues_file'] is None:
# Since method=ace2 requires a ctfvalues_file,
# create file from database values
### cannot use ACE2 correction without CS value in database
if not 'cs' in bestctfvalue:
apDisplay.printMsg('No spherical abberation value in database, skipping image')
self.badprocess = True
return None
# create ctfvalues_file from ctf run
ctfvaluesfile = "tmp_ctfvaluesfile.txt"
df1 = bestctfvalue['defocus1']
df2 = bestctfvalue['defocus2']
angast = bestctfvalue['angle_astigmatism']*math.pi/180.0
amp = bestctfvalue['amplitude_contrast']
kv = imgdata['scope']['high tension']/1000
cs = bestctfvalue['cs']/1000
conf = bestctfvalue['confidence_d']
if os.path.isfile(ctfvaluesfile):
f = open(ctfvaluesfile,'w')
f.write("\tFinal Params for image: %s.mrc\n"%imgdata['filename'])
f.write("\tFinal Defocus (m,m,deg): %.6e %.6e %.6f\n"%(df1,df2,math.degrees(angast)))
f.write("\tAmplitude Contrast: %.6f\n"%amp)
f.write("\tVoltage (kV): %.6f\n"%kv)
f.write("\tSpherical Aberration (mm): %.6e\n"%cs)
f.write("\tAngstroms per pixel: %.6e\n"%apix)
f.write("\tConfidence: %.6e\n"%conf)
# use ace2 ctfvalues file
ctfvaluesfile = os.path.join(bestctfvalue['acerun']['path']['path'], bestctfvalue['ctfvalues_file'])
ctfvaluesfilesplit = os.path.splitext(ctfvaluesfile)
while ctfvaluesfilesplit[1] != '.mrc':
ctfvaluesfilesplit = os.path.splitext(ctfvaluesfilesplit[0])
ctfvaluesfile = ctfvaluesfilesplit[0]+".mrc.ctf.txt"
defocus1 = bestctfvalue['defocus1']
defocus2 = bestctfvalue['defocus2']
defocus = (defocus1+defocus2)/2.0*1.0e6
apDisplay.printMsg("using ctfvaluesfile: "+ctfvaluesfile)
if not os.path.isfile(ctfvaluesfile):
apDisplay.printError("ctfvaluesfile does not exist")
ace2exe = self.getACE2Path()
outfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),imgdata['filename']+".mrc.corrected.mrc")
ace2cmd = (ace2exe+" -ctf %s -apix %.3f -img %s -out %s" % (ctfvaluesfile, apix, inimgpath,outfile))
if self.params['fliptype'] == "ace2image":
ace2cmd += " -wiener 0.1"
apDisplay.printMsg("ace2 command: "+ace2cmd)
apDisplay.printMsg("phaseflipping entire micrograph with defocus "+str(round(defocus,3))+" microns")
#apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(ace2cmd, showcmd=True)
if self.params['verbose'] is True:
ace2proc = subprocess.Popen(ace2cmd, shell=True)
aceoutf = open("ace2.out", "a")
aceerrf = open("ace2.err", "a")
ace2proc = subprocess.Popen(ace2cmd, shell=True, stderr=aceerrf, stdout=aceoutf)
if self.stats['count'] <= 1:
### ace2 always crashes on first image??? .fft_wisdom file??
if self.params['verbose'] is True:
ace2proc = subprocess.Popen(ace2cmd, shell=True)
aceoutf = open("ace2.out", "a")
aceerrf = open("ace2.err", "a")
ace2proc = subprocess.Popen(ace2cmd, shell=True, stderr=aceerrf, stdout=aceoutf)
if self.params['verbose'] is False:
if not os.path.isfile(outfile):
apDisplay.printError("ACE 2 failed to create image file:\n%s" % outfile)
return outfile
def phaseFlipSpider(self, inimgpath, imgdata):
phaseflip whole image using spider
bestctfvalue, bestconf = self.getCtfValueConfidenceForImage(imgdata, True)
if bestctfvalue is None:
apDisplay.printWarning("No ctf estimation for current image")
self.badprocess = True
return None
imgname = imgdata['filename']
shortname = apDisplay.short(imgname)
spi_imgpath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], shortname+".spi")
df1 = bestctfvalue['defocus1']
df2 = bestctfvalue['defocus2']
defocus = (df1+df2)/2*1.0e6
apix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)
voltage = imgdata['scope']['high tension']
# find cs
cs = self.getCS(bestctfvalue)
# convert image to spider
emancmd="proc2d %s %s spidersingle"%(inimgpath,spi_imgpath)
apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=True)
apDisplay.printMsg("phaseflipping entire micrograph with defocus "+str(round(defocus,3))+" microns")
# spider defocus is +, and in Angstroms
defocus *= -10000
outimgpath = filters.phaseFlipImage(spi_imgpath,cs,defocus,voltage,imgsize,apix)
# convert image back to mrc
mrcname = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], shortname+".mrc.corrected.mrc")
emancmd="proc2d %s %s"%(outimgpath,mrcname)
apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, showcmd=True)
# remove original spider image
return mrcname
## General functions
def mergeImageStackIntoBigStack(self, imgstackfile, imgdata):
bigimgstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['single'])
emancmd="proc2d %s %s" %(imgstackfile, bigimgstack)
### normalization
if self.params['normalized'] is True:
emancmd += " norm=0.0,1.0"
# edge normalization
emancmd += " edgenorm"
### high / low pass filtering
if self.params['highpass'] or self.params['lowpass']:
if imgdata is None:
apix = self.params['apix']
apix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(imgdata)
emancmd += " apix=%s" % apix
if self.params['highpass']:
emancmd += " hp=%.2f" % self.params['highpass']
if self.params['lowpass']:
emancmd += " lp=%.2f" % self.params['lowpass']
### bin images if specified
if self.params['bin'] > 1:
emancmd += " shrink=%d"%(self.params['bin'])
emancmd += " clip=%d,%d"%(self.boxsize,self.boxsize)
### unless specified, invert the images
if self.params['inverted'] is True:
emancmd += " invert"
### if specified, create spider stack
if self.params['spider'] is True:
emancmd += " spiderswap"
apDisplay.printMsg("appending particles to stack: "+bigimgstack)
t0 = time.time()
### count particles
bigcount = apFile.numImagesInStack(bigimgstack, self.boxsize/self.params['bin'])
imgcount = apFile.numImagesInStack(imgstackfile, self.boxsize)
### append to particle log file
if imgdata is not None:
partlogfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+"-particles.info")
f = open(partlogfile, 'a')
for i in range(imgcount):
partnum = self.particleNumber + i + 1
line = str(partnum)+'\t'+os.path.join(imgdata['session']['image path'], imgdata['filename']+".mrc")
return bigcount
## Insert and Committing
def insertStackRun(self):
sessiondata = apDatabase.getSessionDataFromSessionName(self.params['sessionname'])
projectnum = apProject.getProjectIdFromSessionName(self.params['sessionname'])
paramlist = ('boxSize','bin','aceCutoff','correlationMin','correlationMax',
'checkMask','minDefocus','maxDefocus','fileType','inverted','normalized', 'xmipp-norm', 'defocpair',
'lowpass','highpass','norejects', 'tiltangle')
### fill stack parameters
for p in paramlist:
if p.lower() in self.params:
stparamq[p] = self.params[p.lower()]
elif p=='aceCutoff' and self.params['ctfcutoff']:
stparamq[p] = self.params['ctfcutoff']
apDisplay.printMsg("missing "+p.lower())
if self.params['phaseflipped'] is True:
stparamq['phaseFlipped'] = True
stparamq['fliptype'] = self.params['fliptype']
if self.params['rotate'] is True:
stparamq['rotate'] = True
paramslist = stparamq.query()
if not 'boxSize' in stparamq or stparamq['boxSize'] is None:
print stparamq
apDisplay.printError("problem in database insert")
### create a stack object
stackq = appiondata.ApStackData()
stackq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(self.params['rundir']))
### see if stack already exists in the database (just checking path & name)
uniqstackdatas = stackq.query(results=1)
### create a stackRun object
runq = appiondata.ApStackRunData()
runq['stackRunName'] = self.params['runname']
runq['session'] = sessiondata
if self.params['helicalstep']:
runq['selectionrun'] = self.newselectiondata
runq['selectionrun'] = self.selectiondata
### see if stack run already exists in the database (just checking runname & session)
uniqrundatas = runq.query(results=1)
### finish stack object
stackq['name'] = self.params['single']
stackq['description'] = self.params['description']
stackq['hidden'] = False
stackq['pixelsize'] = self.params['apix']*self.params['bin']*1e-10
stackq['boxsize'] = self.params['boxsize']/self.params['bin']
### add info for from stack ids
if self.params['fromstackid'] is not None:
#stackq['oldstack'] = appiondata.ApStackData.direct_query(self.params['fromstackid'])
stackq['substackname'] = "restack%d"%(self.params['fromstackid'])
stackq['description'] += " ... restack from stack id %d"%(self.params['fromstackid'])
self.stackdata = stackq
### finish stackRun object
runq['stackParams'] = stparamq
self.stackrundata = runq
### create runinstack object
rinstackq = appiondata.ApRunsInStackData()
rinstackq['stackRun'] = runq
# rinstackq['stack'] = stackq
### if not in the database, make sure run doesn't already exist
if not uniqstackdatas and not uniqrundatas:
apDisplay.printColor("Inserting stack parameters into database", "cyan")
if self.params['commit'] is True:
rinstackq['stack'] = stackq
elif uniqrundatas and not uniqstackdatas:
apDisplay.printError("Weird, run data without stack already in the database")
rinstackq['stack'] = stackq
rinstack = rinstackq.query(results=1)
prevrinstackq = appiondata.ApRunsInStackData()
prevrinstackq['stackRun'] = uniqrundatas[0]
prevrinstackq['stack'] = uniqstackdatas[0]
prevrinstack = prevrinstackq.query(results=1)
## if no runinstack found, find out which parameters are wrong:
if not rinstack:
for i in uniqrundatas[0]:
print "r =======",i,"========"
if uniqrundatas[0][i] != runq[i]:
apDisplay.printError("the value for parameter '"+str(i)+"' is different from before")
print i,uniqrundatas[0][i],runq[i]
for i in uniqrundatas[0]['stackParams']:
print "p =======",i,"========"
if uniqrundatas[0]['stackParams'][i] != stparamq[i]:
apDisplay.printError("the value for parameter '"+str(i)+"' is different from before")
print i, uniqrundatas[0]['stackParams'][i], stparamq[i]
for i in uniqstackdatas[0]:
print "s =======",i,"========"
if str(uniqstackdatas[0][i]) != str(stackq[i]):
apDisplay.printError("the value for parameter '"+str(i)+"' is different from before")
print i,uniqstackdatas[0][i],stackq[i]
for i in prevrinstack[0]:
if i=='stack' or i=='stackRun':
print "rin =======",i,"========"
if prevrinstack[0][i] != rinstackq[i]:
print i,prevrinstack[0][i],rinstackq[i]
apDisplay.printError("the value for parameter '"+str(i)+"' is different from before")
print i,prevrinstack[0][i],rinstackq[i]
#apDisplay.printError("All parameters for a particular stack must be identical! \n"+\
# "please check your parameter settings.")
apDisplay.printWarning("Stack already exists in database! Will try and appending new particles to stack")
## Common parameters
def setupParserOptions(self):
self.flipoptions = ('emanimage', 'emanpart', 'emantilt', 'spiderimage', 'ace2image','ace2imagephase')
### values
self.parser.add_option("--single", dest="single", default="start.hed",
help="create a single stack")
self.parser.add_option("--filetype", dest="filetype", default='imagic',
help="filetype, default=imagic")
self.parser.add_option("--lp", "--lowpass", dest="lowpass", type="float",
help="low pass filter")
self.parser.add_option("--hp", "--highpass", dest="highpass", type="float",
help="high pass filter")
self.parser.add_option("--xmipp-normalize", dest="xmipp-norm", type="float",
help="normalize the entire stack using xmipp")
self.parser.add_option("--helicalstep", dest="helicalstep", type="float",
help="helical step, in Angstroms")
### true/false
self.parser.add_option("--phaseflip", dest="phaseflipped", default=False,
action="store_true", help="perform CTF correction on the boxed images")
self.parser.add_option("--invert", dest="inverted", default=False,
action="store_true", help="contrast of the micrographs")
self.parser.add_option("--no-invert", dest="inverted", default=False,
action="store_false", help="contrast of the micrographs")
self.parser.add_option("--spider", dest="spider", default=False,
action="store_true", help="create a spider stack")
self.parser.add_option("--normalized", dest="normalized", default=False,
action="store_true", help="normalize the entire stack")
self.parser.add_option("--xmipp-norm-before", dest="xmipp-norm-before", default=False,
action="store_true", help="xmipp normalize before phaseflipping")
self.parser.add_option("--no-meanplot", dest="meanplot", default=True,
action="store_false", help="do not make stack mean plot")
self.parser.add_option("--boxfiles", dest="boxfiles", default=False,
action="store_true", help="create only boxfiles, no stack")
self.parser.add_option("--verbose", dest="verbose", default=False,
action="store_true", help="Show extra ace2 information while running")
self.parser.add_option("--finealign", dest="finealign", default=False,
action="store_true", help="Align filaments vertically in a single interpolation")
self.parser.add_option("--flip-type", dest="fliptype",
help="CTF correction method", metavar="TYPE",
type="choice", choices=self.flipoptions, default="emanpart" )
def checkConflicts(self):
if not apPrimeFactor.isGoodStack(self.params['boxsize']):
apDisplay.printWarning("Boxsize does not contain recommended prime numbers")
smallbox,bigbox = apPrimeFactor.getPrimeLimits(self.params['boxsize'])
apDisplay.printWarning("You should use %d or %d for a boxsize instead"%(smallbox,bigbox))
primes = apPrimeFactor.prime_factors(self.params['boxsize'])
apDisplay.printMsg("Boxsize "+str(self.params['boxsize'])+" contains the primes: "+str(primes))
if self.params['description'] is None:
apDisplay.printError("A description has to be specified")
if (self.params['mindefocus'] is not None and
(self.params['mindefocus'] < -1e-3 or self.params['mindefocus'] > -1e-9)):
apDisplay.printError("min defocus is not in an acceptable range, e.g. mindefocus=-1.5e-6")
if (self.params['maxdefocus'] is not None and
(self.params['maxdefocus'] < -1e-3 or self.params['maxdefocus'] > -1e-9)):
apDisplay.printError("max defocus is not in an acceptable range, e.g. maxdefocus=-1.5e-6")
if self.params['fromstackid'] is not None and self.params['selectionid'] is not None:
apDisplay.printError("please only specify one of either --selectionid or --fromstackid")
if self.params['fromstackid'] is None and self.params['selectionid'] is None:
apDisplay.printError("please specify one of either --selectionid or --fromstackid")
if self.params['maskassess'] is None and self.params['checkmask']:
apDisplay.printError("particle mask assessment run need to be defined to check mask")
if self.params['maskassess'] is not None and not self.params['checkmask']:
apDisplay.printMsg("running mask assess")
self.params['checkmask'] = True
if self.params['fliptype'] == 'ace2image' and self.params['ctfmethod'] is None:
apDisplay.printMsg("setting ctf method to ace2")
self.params['ctfmethod'] = 'ace2'
if self.params['xmipp-norm'] is not None or self.params['xmipp-norm-before'] is not None:
self.xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_normalize", die=True)
if self.params['particlelabel'] == 'user' and self.params['rotate'] is True:
apDisplay.printError("User selected targets do not have rotation angles")
if self.params['particlelabel'] == 'helical' and self.params['rotate'] is False:
apDisplay.printWarning("Rotate parameter is not set, helical filaments will not be aligned")
def resetStack(self):
if self.params['helicalstep'] is not None:
### a new set of ApParticleData are stored, in case
### the inserted particles will be used to create future stacks
### So new selection run name has the helical step size
oldsrn = self.selectiondata['name']
newsrn = "%s_%i"%(oldsrn,self.params['helicalstep'])
self.newselectiondata = copy.copy(self.selectiondata)
self.newselectiondata['name'] = newsrn
if self.params['commit'] is True:
stackfile=os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['single'])
def setStartingParticleNumber(self):
if self.params['commit'] is True:
self.particleNumber = self.getExistingStackInfo()
self.particleNumber = 0
def checkRequireCtf(self):
return self.params['ctfcutoff'] or self.params['mindefocus'] or self.params['maxdefocus'] or self.params['phaseflipped']
def preLoopFunctions(self):
### create an edge map for edge statistics
box = self.boxsize
### use a radius one pixel less than the boxsize
self.edgemap = imagefun.filled_circle((box,box), box/2.0-1.0)
def postLoopFunctions(self):
### Delete CTF corrected images
if self.params['keepall'] is False:
pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname']+'*.dwn.mrc')
### remove Ace2 images
pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname']+'*mrc.corrected.mrc')
### remove Spider images
if self.params['fliptype'] == 'spiderimage':
pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname']+'*_out.spi')
pattern = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['sessionname']+'*_tf.spi')
if self.noimages is True:
### Averaging completed stack
stackpath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.hed")
### Create Stack Mean Plot
if self.params['commit'] is True and self.params['meanplot'] is True:
stackid = apStack.getStackIdFromPath(stackpath)
if stackid is not None:
### apply xmipp normalization
if self.params['xmipp-norm'] is not None and self.params['xmipp-norm-before'] is False:
apDisplay.printColor("Timing stats", "blue")
self.printTimeStats("Batch Boxer", self.batchboxertimes)
self.printTimeStats("Ctf Correction", self.ctftimes)
self.printTimeStats("Stack Merging", self.mergestacktimes)
self.printTimeStats("Mean/Std Read", self.meanreadtimes)
self.printTimeStats("DB Insertion", self.insertdbtimes)
def xmippNormStack(self, stackpath):
### convert stack into single spider files
selfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(stackpath)
### setup Xmipp command
apDisplay.printMsg("Using Xmipp to normalize particle stack")
normtime = time.time()
xmippopts = ( " "
+" -i %s"%os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],selfile)
+" -method Ramp "
+" -background circle %i"%(self.boxsize/self.params['bin']*0.4)
+" -remove_black_dust"
+" -remove_white_dust"
+" -thr_black_dust -%.2f"%(self.params['xmipp-norm'])
+" -thr_white_dust %.2f"%(self.params['xmipp-norm'])
xmippcmd = self.xmippexe+" "+xmippopts
apParam.runCmd(xmippcmd, package="Xmipp", verbose=True, showcmd=True)
normtime = time.time() - normtime
apDisplay.printMsg("Xmipp normalization time: "+apDisplay.timeString(normtime))
### recombine particles to a single imagic stack
tmpstack = "tmp.xmippStack.hed"
### clean up directory
def printTimeStats(self, name, timelist):
if len(timelist) < 2:
meantime = self.stats['timesum']/float(self.stats['count'])
timearray = numpy.array(timelist, dtype=numpy.float64)
apDisplay.printColor("%s: %s (%.2f percent)"%
(name, apDisplay.timeString(timearray.mean(), timearray.std()), 100*timearray.mean()/meantime), "blue")
def commitToDatabase(self, imgdata):
### first check if there are any particles to commit
t0 = time.time()
### loop over the particles and insert
for i in range(len(self.boxedpartdatas)):
partdata = self.boxedpartdatas[i]
partmeandict = self.partmeantree[i]
self.particleNumber += 1
stpartq = appiondata.ApStackParticleData()
### check unique params
stpartq['stack'] = self.stackdata
stpartq['stackRun'] = self.stackrundata
stpartq['particleNumber'] = self.particleNumber
stpartdata = stpartq.query(results=1)
if stpartdata:
apDisplay.printError("trying to insert a duplicate particle")
stpartq['particle'] = partdata
stpartq['mean'] = round(partmeandict['mean'],8)
stpartq['stdev'] = round(partmeandict['stdev'],8)
stpartq['min'] = round(partmeandict['min'],4)
stpartq['max'] = round(partmeandict['max'],4)
stpartq['skew'] = round(partmeandict['skew'],4)
stpartq['kurtosis'] = round(partmeandict['kurtosis'],4)
stpartq['edgemean'] = round(partmeandict['edgemean'],4)
stpartq['edgestdev'] = round(partmeandict['edgestdev'],4)
stpartq['centermean'] = round(partmeandict['centermean'],4)
stpartq['centerstdev'] = round(partmeandict['centerstdev'],4)
if self.params['commit'] is True:
def loopCleanUp(self,imgdata):
### last remove any existing boxed files
self.imgstackfile = None
self.boxedpartdatas = []
if __name__ == '__main__':
makeStack = Makestack2Loop()