


Bug #2903 »

Sargis Dallakyan, 11/26/2014 01:09 PM

#!/usr/bin/env python

This is a template on how to construct a new Appion Script from scratch

At the top you have the '#!/usr/bin/env python'

this tells the computer that this is a python program and it tells it
to run the env program in the /usr/bin directory to find the location
of the python interpreter

import os
import re
import sys
import time
import math
from appionlib import appionScript
from appionlib import apDisplay
from appionlib import apStack
from appionlib import appiondata

Next, you have the import commands

You may not know which module you will need, so start with a couple
and add more as you need them. For an Appion Script you will at least
need the 'appionScript' module (or file) and the 'os' module is also
very handy. 'apDisplay' is used to print messages, wanrings and errors.
apStack will be used to get information about a stack.

For Appion libraries we use the system 'from appionlib import X'. This
tells python to go into the appionlib directory and read the file ''.

Now we need to create a class for our program that will inherit all the
properties of appionScript.

In this case I gave my program the name 'ExampleScript' and then put
appionScript.AppionScript in parentheses. The latter part tells python
that my new class called ExampleScript will inherit all properties from
AppionScript located in the appionScript module (or file). The
appionScript.AppionScript is required for an Appion Script.

Within a new Appion Script class there are four required functions:
setupParserOptions(), checkConflicts(), setRunDir(), and start(). Beyond
this you can create any new function that you would like and there are two
other special functions that you can override, OnInit() and OnClose(). These
function are described in more detail below.

Typically, I like to keep setupParserOptions(), checkConflicts(), setRunDir()
at the top of the class and start() as the last function in the class. This
makes it easy to find them when reading another person's code.

class ExampleScript(appionScript.AppionScript):
def setupParserOptions(self):
This function is used to define any command line arguments.
Things like stackid, modelid, templateid, or shuffle files.

As part of Appion Script, several global variables are already defined:
runname, description, projectid, rundir, and commit. Of these only
runname is required

The commandline is parsed using the OptParse library in python,
see for documentation.

There are three major types of options: (1) strings, floats, and ints,
(2) true/false, and (3) choosing from a list.

The first type of option is obtaining a string, float, or int from the user.
It has the following format:
self.parser.add_option("-s", "--old-stack-id", dest="stackid", type="int",
help="Stack database id", metavar="ID")

self.parser.add_option("--trials", dest="trials", type="int",
help="Number of 5000 particle trials", metavar="INT", default=1)

def checkConflicts(self):
After you have set the options you want to have, you need to check to make sure
they are valid and if they are required.

For this script, we'll say that the stackid is required
if self.params['stackid'] is None:
apDisplay.printError("Please provide a user id, e.g. --stackid=15")

def onInit(self):
Advanced function that runs things before other things are initialized.
For example, open a log file or connect to the database.

def onClose(self):
Advanced function that runs things after all other things are finished.
For example, close a log file.

def commitStackData(self, params, newname=False, centered=False, oldstackparts=None, sorted=False):
oldstackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(params['stackid'], msg=False)

#create new stack data
stackq = appiondata.ApStackData()
stackq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(params['rundir']))
stackq['name'] = oldstackdata['name']

# use new stack name if provided
if newname:
stackq['name'] = newname


if stackdata:
apDisplay.printWarning("A stack with these parameters already exists")
stackq['oldstack'] = oldstackdata
stackq['hidden'] = False
stackq['substackname'] = params['runname']
stackq['description'] = params['description']
stackq['pixelsize'] = oldstackdata['pixelsize']
stackq['boxsize'] = oldstackdata['boxsize']
if 'correctbeamtilt' in params.keys():
stackq['beamtilt_corrected'] = params['correctbeamtilt']
if sorted is True:
stackq['junksorted'] = True
if centered is True:
stackq['centered'] = True
if 'mask' in params:
stackq['mask'] = params['mask']
if 'maxshift' in params:
stackq['maxshift'] = params['maxshift']

## insert now before datamanager cleans up referenced data
return stackq

def commitStackParticles(self, params, newname=False, centered=False, oldstackparts=None, sorted=False):

#Insert particles
listfile = params['keepfile']

### read list and sort
listfilelines = []
for line in f:
sline = line.strip()
if re.match("[0-9]+", sline):
apDisplay.printWarning("Line in listfile is not int: "+str(line))
total = len(listfilelines)

## index old stack particles by number
part_by_number = {}
if oldstackparts is not None:
for part in oldstackparts:
part_by_number[part['particleNumber']] = part

apDisplay.printMsg("Inserting stack particles")
count = 0
newpartnum = self.last_number + 1
t0 = time.time()
for origpartnum in listfilelines:
count += 1
if count % 100 == 0:
sys.stderr.write(str(count)+" of "+(str(total))+" complete")

# Find corresponding particle in old stack
# Use previously queried particles if possible, otherwise
# do new query here (very slow if millions of prtls in DB)
oldstackpartdata = part_by_number[origpartnum]
except KeyError:
oldstackpartdata = apStack.getStackParticle(params['stackid'], origpartnum)

# Insert particle
newstackq = appiondata.ApStackParticleData()
newstackq['particleNumber'] = newpartnum
newstackq['stack'] = self.newstackdata
if params['commit'] is True:
if count % 5000 == 0:
t1 = time.time()
apDisplay.printMsg('last 5000 time: %10.1f' % (t1-t0))
t0 = time.time()
newpartnum += 1
if newpartnum == 0:
apDisplay.printError("No particles were inserted for the stack")

apDisplay.printMsg("Inserted "+str(newpartnum-1)+" stack particles into the database")

def commitStackRun(self, params):
apDisplay.printMsg("Inserting Runs in Stack")
runsinstack = apStack.getRunsInStack(params['stackid'])
for run in runsinstack:
newrunsq = appiondata.ApRunsInStackData()
newrunsq['stack'] = self.newstackdata
newrunsq['stackRun'] = run['stackRun']
if params['commit'] is True:
apDisplay.printWarning("Not commiting to the database")


def start(self):
newname = self.params['runname']
numbers_per_trial = 5000
# make keepfile
self.params['first'] = 1
self.params['last'] = numbers_per_trial
stp = str(self.params['first'])
enp = str(self.params['last'])
fname = 'sub'+str(self.params['stackid'])+'_'+stp+'-'+enp+'.lst'
self.params['keepfile'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],fname)
apDisplay.printMsg("Creating keep list: "+self.params['keepfile'])
for j in range(0,self.params['trials']):
for i in range(self.params['first'],self.params['last']+1):
f.write('%d\n' % (int(i)-1))

self.newstackdata = self.commitStackData(self.params, newname, sorted=False)
#for trial in range(0,self.params['trials']):
for trial in range(0,1):
t0 = time.time()
self.last_number = self.params['trials'] * numbers_per_trial
self.commitStackParticles(self.params, newname, sorted=False)
t1 = time.time()
apDisplay.printMsg( 'trial %d time:%10.1f' % (trial,t1-t0))

if __name__ == '__main__':
examplescript = ExampleScript()
