

Profile FindEM never runs

Added by Christopher Lilienthal over 8 years ago


we are having trouble running FindEM through Appion.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/local/bin/appion/", line 8, in <module>

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/appionlib/", line 90, in run

    results = self.loopProcessImage(imgdata)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/appionlib/", line 104, in loopProcessImage

    self.peaktree = filterLoop.FilterLoop.loopProcessImage(self, imgdata)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/appionlib/", line 87, in loopProcessImage

    peaktree = self.processImage(imgdata, self.filtarray)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/appionlib/", line 169, in processImage

    cclist = self.runTemplateCorrelator(imgdata)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/appionlib/", line 141, in runTemplateCorrelator

    ccmaplist = apFindEM.runFindEM(imgdata, self.params, thread=self.params['threadfindem'])

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/appionlib/", line 171, in runFindEM

    apDisplay.printError("findem.exe did not run or crashed.\n")

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/appionlib/", line 62, in printError

    raise Exception, colorString("\n *** FATAL ERROR ***\n"+text+"\n\a","red")


 *** FATAL ERROR ***

findem.exe did not run or crashed.

Looking at the file I see the program should be executed on line 58, but on line 57 there is a sys.exit()

for i, templatename in enumerate(params['templatelist']):
        classavg = i + 1

        # First round: normal findem: template x image
        numstr = "%03d" % (100 + classavg)
        ccmapfile1 = "cccmaxmap" + numstr + ".mrc" 
        params["startang" + str(100 + classavg)] = params["startang" + str(classavg)]
        params["endang" + str(100 + classavg)] = params["endang" + str(classavg)]
        params["incrang" + str(100 + classavg)] = params["incrang" + str(classavg)]
        if len(dwnimgname) > 76:
            feed = findEMString(100 + classavg, templatename, randlink, ccmapfile1, params)
            feed = findEMString(100 + classavg, templatename, dwnimgname, ccmapfile1, params)

Am I correct in thinking this is a mistake or am I not understanding what this is doing (Which is quite possible)

Thank you

Chris Lilienthal

Replies (2)

RE: FindEM never runs - Added by Gabriel Lander over 8 years ago

I must have left that exit() call in there when I was debugging, removed & committed it to the trunk. Terribly sorry about that!

RE: FindEM never runs - Added by Christopher Lilienthal over 8 years ago

No problem, I've done that myself many times.

