



Feature #1026


Add Protomo 2 in to our processing pipeline

Added by Eric Hou over 14 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Hanspeter Winkler has released new version of Protomo. We need to put it in to our Appion processing pipeline before he left.



correctionFactors.dat (2.39 KB) correctionFactors.dat correctionFactors.dat for the protomo2 tutorial dataset Amber Herold, 03/29/2011 10:21 PM
max.param (2.04 KB) max.param the file specified in --protomo2paramfile flag Amber Herold, 03/29/2011 10:21 PM
max.tlt (4.43 KB) max.tlt Amber Herold, 03/29/2011 10:21 PM

Related issues 6 (0 open6 closed)

Related to Appion - Task #1033: Install protomo2 on amiboxesClosedChristopher Irving11/11/2010

Related to Appion - Task #1034: Tutorial dataset for protomoClosedAmber Herold11/12/2010

Related to Appion - Feature #1030: Create a new project and session for protomo 2ClosedEric Hou11/11/2010

Related to Appion - Feature #1029: install Protomo 2.0 to our processing serverClosedAmber Herold11/11/2010

Related to Appion - Feature #1028: add Protomo 2.0 to ami softwareClosedEric Hou11/11/2010

Blocked by Appion - Feature #1389: protomo2 refactoringClosed08/09/2011

Actions #1

Updated by Eric Hou over 14 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to Immediate
Actions #2

Updated by Eric Hou over 14 years ago

  • Assignee set to Amber Herold
Actions #3

Updated by Eric Hou over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
Actions #4

Updated by Eric Hou over 14 years ago

I am already starting the web part : runTomoAligner.php for user input the values. I will also do the result page.
Amber, Please update the python part. The file need to update is

We need to finish this before Friday, because Hanspeter only be here this week.



Actions #5

Updated by Eric Hou over 14 years ago

There is a new project for us to do development. The project name is protomo tutorial data.
All the example images has been upload to session : 10nov10z

Actions #6

Updated by Amber Herold over 14 years ago

We've added a few parameters that need to be sent from the PHP to the python file:

self.parser.add_option("--windowsize_x", dest="windowsize_x",  type="int",
help="Protomo2 only: Region of interest in the x dimension used for alignmnet (in pixels), e.g. --windowsize_x=1024", metavar="int")
self.parser.add_option("--windowsize_y", dest="windowsize_y",  type="int",
help="Protomo2 only: Region of interest in the y dimension used for alignmnet (in pixels), e.g. --windowsize_y=1024", metavar="int")
self.parser.add_option("--lowpass_diameter_x", dest="lowpass_diameter_x",  type="float",
help="Protomo2 only: TODO: To be determined (in reciprical pixels), e.g. --lowpass_diameter_x=0.4", metavar="float")
self.parser.add_option("--lowpass_diameter_y", dest="lowpass_diameter_y",  type="float",
help="Protomo2 only: TODO: To be determined (in reciprical pixels), e.g. --lowpass_diameter_y=0.4", metavar="float")
self.parser.add_option("--highpass_diameter_x", dest="highpass_diameter_x",  type="float",
help="Protomo2 only: TODO: To be determined (in reciprical pixels), e.g. --highpass_diameter_x=0.02", metavar="float")
self.parser.add_option("--highpass_diameter_y", dest="highpass_diameter_y",  type="float",
help="Protomo2 only: TODO: To be determined (in reciprical pixels), e.g. --highpass_diameter_y=0.02", metavar="float")
self.parser.add_option("--backprojection_bodysize", dest="backprojection_bodysize",  type="float",
help="Protomo2 only: Back projection body size for the reconstruction (in pixels), e.g. --backprojection_bodysize=80.0", metavar="float")
self.parser.add_option("--protomo2paramfile", dest="protomo2paramfile",  type="FILE",
help="Protomo2 only: Path and filename of the protomo2 parameter file, e.g. --protomo2paramfile=/path/to/max.param", metavar="FILE")
self.parser.add_option("--max_iterations", dest="max_iterations",  type="int",
help="Protomo2 only: Number of alignment and geometry refinement iterations, e.g. --max_iterations=4", metavar="int")
Actions #7

Updated by Eric Hou over 14 years ago

The basic requirement variables for basic setting for Protomo 2 is nwo in svn, but the validation is not done yet (only check empty now). For now, make sure you enter the valid values for them.

Couple things need to do:
1. inputs validation
2. advance option (still have some more input boxes need to created).
3. user upload the config file and website will automatic populate all the values in the boxes.



Actions #8

Updated by Eric Hou over 14 years ago

Here is the example of the command look like with basic setup: --session=10nov10z --tiltseriesnumber=1 --projectid=291 --runname=align1 --alignmethod=protomo2 --sample=2 --windowsize_x=500 --windowsize_y=500 --lowpass_diameter_x=0.40 --lowpass_diameter_y=0.40 --highpass_diameter_x=0.40 --highpass_diameter_y=0.40 --backprojection_bodysize=82.50 --max_iterations= --description="testing" --commit

Actions #9

Updated by Amber Herold over 14 years ago

We got this working, with a few workarounds for now.
  1. protomo needs python 2.6, we are running 2.4. Christopher installed 2.6 at /ami/sw/packages/Python2.6/bin/python along with numpy,scipy and PIL to us going.
  2. Hanspeter needs to make some modifications to accept string input for paths. Right now they are hard coded in the config file.
  3. We need to write out a config file template in the python wrapper, rather than relying on the file being present.
  4. The images can't start with a number. We prepend numbers to uploaded images. We copied his images to a new directory (/ami/data00/leginon/10nov10z/rawdatatest) and changed the file names to be compliant. Hanspeter will need to modify his code to allow the numbers.
  5. We have hard coded a path to a geometry file (home/amber/max.tlt). This needs to be built in the python script using values from the database.
  6. Hanspeter needs to implement an automatically generated filename for the correction factors data file. It is currently hard coded.
To run this at ami:
  • ssh to amibox02
  • set the Path variables:
    (use my workspace for appion files)
    setenv PYTHONPATH /home/amber/amiworkspace/myami:/home/amber/amiworkspace/myami/appion:/usr/local/EMAN/lib
    setenv APPTIONDIR /home/amber/amiworkspace/myami/appion
    setenv PATH /home/amber/amiworkspace/myami/appion/bin:${PATH}
    (use python 2.6)
    setenv PATH /ami/sw/packages/Python2.6/bin:${PATH}
    (use the new protomo files)
    setenv I3ROOT /ami/sw/packages/PROTOMO
    setenv PATH ${I3ROOT}/bin:${I3ROOT}/bin/linux/x86-64:${PATH}
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${I3ROOT}/lib/linux/x86-64
    setenv PYTHONPATH ${I3ROOT}/lib/linux/x86-64:${PYTHONPATH}
  • run the command
    /home/amber/amiworkspace/myami/appion/bin/ --session=10nov10z --tiltseriesnumber=1 --projectid=291 --runname=align1 --alignmethod=protomo2 --sample=2 --windowsize_x=500 --windowsize_y=500 --lowpass_diameter_x=0.40 --lowpass_diameter_y=0.40 --highpass_diameter_x=0.40 --highpass_diameter_y=0.40 --backprojection_bodysize=82.50 --max_iterations=2 --description="testing protomo2" --commit --protomo2paramfile=/home/amber/max.param --rundir=/ami/data17/appion/10nov10z/rawdata/tiltseries1/align/align1
  • check the results in /ami/data00/appion/10nov10z/tomo/tiltseries1/align/align1/out/
Actions #10

Updated by Amber Herold over 14 years ago

  • Target version set to Appion/Leginon 2.2.0
  • Deliverable set to Add processing module
Actions #11

Updated by Hanspeter Winkler about 14 years ago

  • Priority changed from Immediate to Normal

I have uploaded a new version that addressed points (2) and (6) at

This version, and maybe the older ones, have a problem in the map computation and can produce incorrect results, so it probably should not be made available for download and only be used for testing the changes to the python code.

Actions #12

Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago

I'd like to update our version of Protomo so I can make the points 2 and 6 changes, but the link you provided is no longer valid. Could you repost it please?

Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago

Checked in the python side.
1. There are still some hard coded bits specific to the tutorial dataset.
2. Need to work out getting the geometry to write to the .tlt file.
3. Need to use the geometry file to find the reference image.
4. It seems we need correctionFactors.dat as input. Need to generate it prior to processing?

Actions #14

Updated by Hanspeter Winkler almost 14 years ago

The updated versions are at

In section 4.5 of the PDF file you can find the commands to write out the *.tlt

The file correctionFactors.dat is only needed if you want to generate a plot and it should be written out prior to processing. It is a text file and the columns contain the following data:
(1) image number
(2) rotation
(3) and (4) stretch/compression factors in two orthogonal directions
(5) angle of stretch/compression
(6) isotropic scale factor

I usually only look at the plot of (3) and (4)

Actions #15

Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago

Hanspeter, I tried to run without the .dat file and it would not run. Do I need to set a parameter to allow it to run without it?

Actions #16

Updated by Hanspeter Winkler almost 14 years ago

The procedure should run without the *.dat file. It is not needed by any of my python functions, the problem is most likely in the appion code.

Actions #17

Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago

Hanspeter, did the format of the max.param file change since 2.0.5?
I'm getting the following error when using 2.0.10:
protomo.error: undefined parameter

from the following line of code:
protomo2param.set("lowpass.diameter", "{ %d %d }" % (self.params['lowpass_diameter_x'], self.params['lowpass_diameter_y']))

Actions #18

Updated by Hanspeter Winkler almost 14 years ago

The format hasn't changed, but I think the parameter name is incomplete, it should be

Actions #19

Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago

Hanspeter, you were right, adding "window" fixed that one. Now I'm getting an error in the align() function. It doesn't seem to like the apodization parameter, however I have not changed the parameter file that worked with 2.0.5. The param file that I'm using is already attached to this issue.

File "/home/amber/amiworkspace/myami/appion/appionlib/", line 97, in run
protomo.error: invalid parameter, apodization, section tiltseries.window.lowpass
invalid parameter, apodization, section tiltseries.window.highpass

Any thoughts?

Actions #20

Updated by Hanspeter Winkler almost 14 years ago

I have never seen this error, but it could occur if window.lowpass.diameter is undefined, or if window.lowpass.sigma is set, which is incompatible with apodization. Same for window.highpass.

Actions #21

Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago

I'm trying to set string parameters which was not supported in the first version, but I believe is in the version I'm using now. I'm able to set directories with string values, but the following parameters are not working for me. Should these be set with something other than a string? I tried "binning" with literal "true" and "True" and 1, with no luck.

protomo2param.set("binning", '"%s"' % (self.params['do_binning'],) ) # set to "True"
protomo2param.set("preprocessing", '"%s"' % (self.params['do_preprocessing'],) )
protomo2param.set("align.estimate", '"%s"' % (self.params['do_estimation'],) )
protomo2param.set("correlation.mode", '"%s"' % (self.params['correlation_mode'],) )

Actions #22

Updated by Hanspeter Winkler almost 14 years ago

For boolean variables, use the strings "true" or "false" (all lowercase).
The parameter "correlation.mode" should probably be "align.correlation.mode", valid string values are "xcf", "mcf", "pcf", and "dbl". The value is not checked at this point, but you get an error later when you run the alignment if it is anything else.

If it still doesn't work, what are the error messages?

Actions #23

Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago

Checked in progress so far with r15609. Able to set all parameters without error. Problem was that strings need to be wrapped in quotes when being passed to protomo2, but the strings that are representing boolean true and false can't have quotes.
Now getting hung up in the protomo2series.align() function with error message:

protomo: creating tilt series "max" 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/amber/amiworkspace/myami/appion/bin/", line 484, in <module>
  File "/home/amber/amiworkspace/myami/appion/bin/", line 356, in start
    self.runProtomo2(sessiondata, processdir, seriesname, ordered_imagelist, refimg, center, corr_bin, commit, tilts)
  File "/home/amber/amiworkspace/myami/appion/bin/", line 299, in runProtomo2
  File "/home/amber/amiworkspace/myami/appion/appionlib/", line 98, in run
protomo.error: invalid value, mode, section tiltseries.align.correlation

The tiltseries.align.correlation value is being set to "mcf".

Actions #24

Updated by Hanspeter Winkler almost 14 years ago

I suspect that this has something to do with the parameter names. In issue #21, did you specify "tiltseries" in front of the names? When I run this from the python command line, it is not needed. Also, the actual name should be "align.correlation.mode". You can construct the names by looking at the parameter file and concatenating the identifiers, for example

align { correlation { mode: "mcf" } }

would result in "align.correlation.mode"

Actions #25

Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago

AHA! that is very useful information on how to structure the set() function call for parameters. That should definatly go in your user guide.

Yes, I changed correlation.mode to align.correlation.mode. I have not specified tiltseries in front of any names. Just tried adding it and I got an undefined parameter error.

You can see the code that I am using by clicking on the revision link r15609. Then click on the file Parameters are set in setUserModifiedParams().

I have added "align." in front of correlation.size and peaksearch.radius in my sandbox to comply with your naming convention. After changing these, I am still getting the error specified above.

Actions #26

Updated by Hanspeter Winkler almost 14 years ago

I am not so familiar with python, are these two statements equivalent
(assuming that the stored values are 128 128):

protomo2param.set("align.correlation.size", "{ %d %d }" % (self.params['correlation_size_x'], self.params['correlation_size_y']))

protomo2param.set( "align.correlation.size", "{128 128}" )

Something else came to my mind: Do you create the series object before or after running setUserModifiedParams? If you do it before, then you have to replace the parameters in the series object, because it stores a copy of the parameter object before the modifications:
seriesobject.param( protomo2param )

Actions #27

Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago

Yes, those are equivilant statements, provided the values in self.params['correlation_size_x'] and self.params['correlation_size_y'] are 128. Here is my order of execution:

        # use the tilt angles to set the reference image, which is the image with tilt values closest to zero.        

        # Write a default parameter file if it does not already exist

        # Create the parameter object

        # Write a default tilt geometry file if it does not already exist 

        # Create the protomo2 geometry object

        # Modify the parameter object with the user input values
        self.setUserModifiedParams( protomo2param )

        # Create a tilt series object (contains input geometry, creates updated geometry, info to do the alignment)
        protomo2series = protomo.series(protomo2param, protomo2geom)

        # Run the specified number of alignment iterations
        for i in range(0, self.params['max_iterations']):
            # correction factors, automatically generates a file name using the iteration number(? TODO: Hanspeter to implement)
            protomo2series.corr() #( self.correctionFactorFile )

The code is in the run() function of Looks like I set the params then create the series object.

Actions #28

Updated by Hanspeter Winkler almost 14 years ago

Before you call align(), can you print the parameter that produces an error later to check if it is set properly:
This prints it to stderr

Actions #29

Updated by Amber Herold almost 13 years ago

  • Target version changed from Appion/Leginon 2.2.0 to Appion/Leginon Future Version

We will be able to incorporate protomo 2 with the 3.0 release, provided we have a stable release of protomo2.

Actions #30

Updated by Amber Herold over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to New
  • Assignee deleted (Amber Herold)
Actions #31

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Merge
  • Target version changed from Appion/Leginon Future Version to Appion/Leginon 3.2

This feature is replaced by #2834.

Actions #32

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago

  • Target version changed from Appion/Leginon 3.2 to Appion/Leginon Future Version
Actions #33

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Merge to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF