Bug #1267
closedAuto Installer - can't open image viewer for demo images
I download the centosAutoInstallation.py to install leginon/Appion on my CentOS computer. However, I found The myamiweb can not open imageviwer for any of 8 demo images. After I read the code, I found the problem is the last part of the script actually execute autoInstalSetup.php under myamiweb/setup directory and the last part of this php is loading 8 demo images into database. The problem is this command hard ocded the input directory at /tmp/images. But in the wiki there is no place to tell people to start the centosAutoInstallation.py at this directory. So 8 images actually were download on what ever directory people run centosAutoInstallation.py. One way to solve it is add the following lines in downloadSampleImages in centosAutoInstallation.py.
If not os.pathexists(“/tmp/images”):
Of course change back to cwd directory after download images.
This should solve the current problem. No matter where people execute the centosAutoInstallation.py
Yen-Chywan Liaw
IMB, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago
Hi Yen-Chywan!
In the centosAutoInstallation.py line 573. It uses wget -P/tmp/images to indicate the location of all the images should be download to. Therefore it does not matter what directory user lunches the centoAutoInstallation.py.
Could you tell me what version of the CentOS are you running on? and if you can, could you send me the log file which created during the autoInstallation.
Updated by Eric Hou almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Won't Fix or Won't Do
The problem was course on the version of his CentOS.