Bug #1267
closedAuto Installer - can't open image viewer for demo images
I download the centosAutoInstallation.py to install leginon/Appion on my CentOS computer. However, I found The myamiweb can not open imageviwer for any of 8 demo images. After I read the code, I found the problem is the last part of the script actually execute autoInstalSetup.php under myamiweb/setup directory and the last part of this php is loading 8 demo images into database. The problem is this command hard ocded the input directory at /tmp/images. But in the wiki there is no place to tell people to start the centosAutoInstallation.py at this directory. So 8 images actually were download on what ever directory people run centosAutoInstallation.py. One way to solve it is add the following lines in downloadSampleImages in centosAutoInstallation.py.
If not os.pathexists(“/tmp/images”):
Of course change back to cwd directory after download images.
This should solve the current problem. No matter where people execute the centosAutoInstallation.py
Yen-Chywan Liaw
IMB, Academia Sinica, Taiwan