



Task #1300


Write instruction on installation and settings for movie support used in appion tomography

Added by Anchi Cheng almost 14 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

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Need to work with Christopher to get instruction and make it into autoinstaller the software required by movie making in tomography

1. need mencoder to create flv file on the processing server
2. need a flash player (We installed flowplayer years ago) on the web server.
3. need flash plug-in to view from the user-side web browser.

Actions #1

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 13 years ago

This following flowplayer installation instuction works for trunk after r16231

  1. download free flowplayer (currently 3.2.7) and unpack.
  2. create a directory at the webserver base url such as /var/www/html and give a name such as flashplayer.
  3. link or copy flowplayer-3.2.7.swf to /var/www/html/flashplayer/ as FlowPlayerJS.swf
  4. link or copy example/flowplayer-3.2.6.min.js to /var/www/html/flashplayer/ as flowplayer.js
  5. modify myamiweb/config.php FLASHPLAYER_URL to, in this case, '/flashplayer/'

note: the name FlowPlayerJS.swf is to distinguish it with the old versions that does not require the js file to run.

Actions #2

Updated by Jim Pulokas about 13 years ago

Installing mplayer/mencoder from source is pretty easy following the basic instructions on the mplayer web site:

To summarize, this is what I did:
Check out the mplayer trunk:

svn checkout svn:// mplayer
Go into the newly created sandbox and configure. You can specify your installation destination prefix as I do in this example, or let it use the default /usr/local:
cd mplayer
./configure --prefix=/my/apps

When you run the configure command, you may discover a few dependencies that need to be installed first. In my case, I needed the yasm package and the git package. You may need other development tools. git was needed because the configure script uses it to automatically download and compile ffmpeg. There is probably a way to specify using an existing ffmpeg installation instead of downloading a new one, but I did not look into that. The configure options also give you a lot of control over what codecs to include. When configure completes, it will summarize what codec support will be compiled in. You may need to install other libraries and/or add some configure options to get the codecs you want included (like x264).

After configure succeeds and you are happy with the codec support, then you can compile and install:

make install

Then adjust your PATH where necessary if you installed in a non-standard location.

Actions #3

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 13 years ago

On the web client side, web browser will need flash player plug-in.

For CentOS firefox, Use rpm from Adobe works best.
  1. visit any website that has flash movie, it will direct you to go to adobe to get the plugin.
  2. download the rpm for linux
  3. as root, install the file you downloaded like this:
    rpm -Uvh flash-plugin-

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