Bug #1583
openmakestack2 crashes when boxer discards particles
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Appion/Leginon 2.1.0
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I ran into the following case with makestack:
I wanted an identical stack with a larger boxsize, so I tried to restack a stack that I already have made. The problem was that the only particle that was picked in one of the micrographs was too close to the edge, and was therefore discarded by EMAN. I could "catch" this error by putting in a try->except statement right before the loop "for i in range(len(self.boxedpartdatas)):" on line 918. This works fine and the stack is created (with some fewer particles). We can also modify EMAN to loosen the threshold for picking particles close to the edge. Any thoughts?
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 12 years ago
Certainly not the latter. We don't want start our own version of EMAN, especially since it is being phased out.