Bug #237
closedsummary.php project link is broken
Found this accidentally. The problem is that $PROJECT_URL is no longer defined. This is probably a wide spread problem.
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Code Review
- Assignee changed from Anchi Cheng to Eric Hou
$PROJECT_URL are replaced by PROJECT_URL from various .php and .inc files and also calls for global variable $PROJECT_URL to make it consistent with the new config.php.template which is also changed to be consistent with the format used in BAS_URL. grep was performed to search all cases in myamiweb, myamiweb/inc, myamiweb/project, myamiweb/project/inc, myamiweb/processing and myamiweb/processing/inc. I hope I have not missed any.
1. Visit each of the php page that is changed.
2. Click on the link to its project page.
3. You should be taken to /your_host/myamiweb/project/getproject.php?pId=xxx and the page should exist.
Refs to Revision r13253
Updated by Eric Hou almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from In Code Review to In Test
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
Just check all the code, and they are looking good.
Updated by Eric Hou almost 15 years ago
- Assignee changed from Eric Hou to Amber Herold
- Target version set to Appion/Leginon 2.0.0
ready for test.
Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago
We need to revisit this. Some pages put a slash before getproject.php and some don't. The link from the summary.php page is broken.