Support #2378
openNeed to check installation documentation for of appion?
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Appion/Leginon 2.2.0
email from Chen Xu:
My little problem was due to the fact that I installed all the appion stuff in a different location. I hope there was a sentence in your document "Install the appion python package", so the PYTHONPATH can added to resource file. Like this: ==== .bashrc ==== APPION_DIR=/home/Appion PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${APPION_DIR}/lib/python2.7/site-packages:${APPION_DIR}/lib64/pytho n2.7/site-packages export PYTHONPATH ================= Yes, it is true that for someone who has good experience with computer stuff it won't be too much a problem. But for a new user, it could cost some time. My two cents. -Chen
Not sure if his problem has to do with the script not working for python 2.7 or just a documentation issue.