I've made the sign changes in my sandbox and created a separate aptest database to test the ctfchallenge dataset 1. Amber ran ace, ace2,ctffind, phasor, and ctfRefine on them last week.
I looked at them today. Apart from ctfRefine, all the other seems to give the expected sign in the result plot, myamiweb, and database. I fixed the bug regarding ctfRefine and re-ran ctfRefine6 which gave similar results as others. The best image to look at is
It has a visually detectable astigmatism at -58 degrees.
makestack2.py result was checked with --fliptype=ace2image and --keepall. Keepall flag leaves the ctf-corrected image undeleted when the run is finished. Therefore, I could calculate from it the power spectrum and examine the astg_angle applied in the correction. It looks good, too (-58)
The use of astig_angle in apFrealign.py was checked by preparing single model reconstruction for Frealign and examining its parameter files. It looks good, too (-58).
Also checked parameter output for stack in myamiweb such as
Remaining tasks:
1. Is there anything need changing for ctftilt? Neil?
2. Selection of bestCtfValue. Is it consistent with the display in image viewer? Amber?
3. Write dbschema update script. Anchi
4. Do we have xmipp result? Amber?