



Feature #2589


delete SelectionRun

Added by Gabriel Lander over 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Web interface
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added option in the particle selection page to delete particle selection runs if logged in. Shows up as a "delete" button next to the "hide" button.

Actions #1

Updated by Amber Herold over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to In Code Review
  • Assignee changed from Amber Herold to Gabriel Lander

Looks like this was committed in r17997.
Having the option to delete runs is something we have always been wary of, but it does need to be implemented so that we can get rid of data that we don't need to keep around.
Couple of questions.
1. Removing the ApAppionJobData entry based on the path seems a little dangerous, as I've always been under the impression that multiple jobs can share the same ApPath entry. Have you thought about this case (or ruled it out) to ensure that multiple job runs are deleted in that step?
2. The option to hide runs gives users the ability to keep bad runs out of sight, so a delete option only really seems necessary to me if we also remove any data that is being stored on the file server associated with the run. However, I don't see any code additions that would delete the data. Are you planning on doing that as well?

Actions #2

Updated by Gabriel Lander over 11 years ago

I implemented this because a user naively launched a particle picking job that inserted millions of inaccurate particles for an experiment
Question 1: Every particle selection run has its own path and is never re-used by another appion process, so it's save to remove the ApAppionJobData for this.
Question 2: This is set up similarly to the "delete stack" option, where the user is told to manually delete the directory once the data has been removed from the database.

Actions #3

Updated by Gabriel Lander about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from In Code Review to Closed

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