Feature #3358
closedjohn rubinstein's particle polisher
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Updated by Dmitry Lyumkis over 9 years ago
currently only works from command line.
example command¶ -h --stack-id=283 --projectid=7 --rundir=/data2/log-l/appion/15jul16a/stacks/polish1 --runname=polish1 --ddstackid=33 --micrographs_per_job=2 --expid=14140 --particleradius=125 --expweight --localavg
Some details on running¶
- requires an unaligned, but gain-normalized ddframestack (provided by --ddstackid option)
- currently will create an unbinned stack only
- queries database for all relevant parameters, including microscope kv, image dose, number of frames, etc
- requires install of alignparts_lmbfgs.exe from John Rubinstein. Can be located in myami/appion/bin directory
- many options are available (e.g. contrast inversion)
stitch MRC stack¶
To create an identical stack as your input, in MRC format, run with same general options as above, for example: --stackid=283 --projectid=7 --rundir=/data2/log-l/appion/15jul16a/stacks/polish1 --runname=polish1 --ddstackid=33 --expid=14140
known issues¶
- launches a bunch of small jobs. If your scheduler is not set up to launch jobs from slave nodes, then you need to run script from command line on head node. This could use improvements in implementation in code.
Future improvements can include¶
- web gui in stack category
- stack uploader
Updated by Anchi Cheng about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to Appion/Leginon 3.3
works as described. No upload