Bug #399
openhandedness flip in prepFrealign
When I run prepFrealign and generate the initial Eulers from an EMAN run then use Frealign to do a reconstruction without refining the Eulers, the resulting volume has the handedness reversed (i.e. it is mirrored along the y axis compared to the original volume). The Imagic volume that prepFrealign creates, however has the expected handedness.
Updated by Scott Stagg almost 15 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Gabe or Neil, do you have any comments on this? Have either of you seen this in your tests of prepFrealign?
Updated by Gabriel Lander almost 15 years ago
I haven't used frealign in ages, but I do remember something like this, and I know others in the lab here who use frealign have seen this sort of thing when converting their imagic volumes to mrc or spi. It probably has something to do with Imagic's definition of xyz being totally ass backwards compared to all the other packages. I think just putting a proc3d "yflip" in the conversion is in order.
Updated by Scott Stagg almost 15 years ago
The problem is not the volume. The problem is the Eulers. If you simply convert the Eulers from EMAN then reconstruct the volume with frealign without doing the Euler refinement, the resulting volume is mirrored.
Updated by Neil Voss almost 15 years ago
This is definitely a big problem. I have not looked into it too closely. Gabe wrote the Euler conversion part and I have not modified it. I think Scott has a good test case for this below. How does our Euler angle conversion compare to EMAN2?
From Gabe:
hold on now I'm confused - the Imagic volume that prepFrealign creates has the expected handedness - do you mean without importing eulers from EMAN?
From Scott:
If, for instance you use prepFrealign.py to generate the frealign Euler particle parameters from an EMAN iteration, then use the 0 option in frealign to generate a volume from the Eulers generated from prepFrealign, the resulting volume is mirrored. This doesn't have to do with the initial volume; it has to do with the initial Eulers.
Updated by Amber Herold over 14 years ago
- Target version set to Appion/Leginon 2.1.0
- Affected Version set to Appion/Leginon 2.0.1
Updated by Neil Voss over 14 years ago
- Show in known bugs changed from Yes to No
Updated by Neil Voss over 14 years ago
- Affected Version changed from Appion/Leginon 2.0.1 to Pre-2.0
- Show in known bugs changed from No to Yes
This happened to me as well for an icosahedral virus. Must be happening in the Euler conversion.
Updated by Amber Herold over 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Arne Moeller
Updated by Arne Moeller over 14 years ago
- Assignee changed from Arne Moeller to Amber Herold
Updated by Eric Hou over 14 years ago
Add warning that the handedness if flipped in GUI
Updated by Amber Herold over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to In Test
- Assignee changed from Amber Herold to Arne Moeller
Arne, don't forget to write the workaround. Eric already did a code review in person.
Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago
I'm just moving a couple emails here to keep everything in the issue...
On Mar 2, 2011, at 4:47 PM, Bridget Carragher wrote:
Hi y'all,
At the Appion meeting today I head that locally no one uses Frealign because it gives bad results. I though t I remembered that we had at least once gotten a ~5A GroEL map out of Frealign here. The team thinks we might be using is wrong so I wondered if any of your guys have been using it a lot and if so maybe we can chat more about how to set it up etc.
Hope you are all doing well,
From Scott:
Hi all,
Yes, I have frealign working here, but the appion implementation does not work properly. The biggest problem (as I keep saying) is that there is a handedness flip associated with how frealign reads our imagic stacks and the imagic volume. That problem (and many others) will be solved if we go back to using mrc stacks for frealign. I have proposed many other changes in redmine and have implemented a few of them, but they are really major changes. I don't want to pull the trigger for completely revising the appion frealign code without the input from everyone else. Also I don't have the time to do it properly. I can just hack stuff together and hope that the group will help refine.
From: Gabriel Lander
Date: March 2, 2011 2:11:26 PM PST
If an imagic stack is going to be used for frealign, you need to use the "excopy.e" command with the "REVERSE" option to create a flipped copy of the stack. Otherwise it won't work at all. This I'm sure of. I thought it was fixed in appion? I guess not.
Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago
There is a workaround for the handedness flip. Arne, please update this issue with the workaround we are using here.
We can discuss this again in next meeting.
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 14 years ago
Neil, Scott, Gabe,
As I am working on the stack format conversion. Could you give me the specific commands for convert from our eman Imagic stack as boxed from default makestack of white on black box to mrc format (stack) that freealign will take in correctly? Appion only warns about contrast flipping but not handedness flip. My conversion script will make it into whatever you specify
For example, I can't find excopy.e in our installed packages. Where is it from?
Updated by Amber Herold almost 14 years ago
From Neil:
My virus CNV structure showed improvements (6.5 -> 5.8) awhile ago, but I setup it up to use a flipped model initially, because of said problem.
Updated by Gabriel Lander almost 14 years ago
excopy.e is an IMAGIC function, it should be installed in the "incore" directory your imagic directory:
Updated by Scott Stagg almost 14 years ago
I strongly advocate that we go back to using mrc stacks for frealign. If you look way back at the first version of runfrealign.py that I started, you will see my code for creating an mrc stack (http://emg.nysbc.org/projects/appion/repository/revisions/9000/entry/trunk/appion/bin/runfrealign.py). In addition to not having to worry about the handedness flip, you can use a mrc volumes instead of imagic volumes. That way, you can look at the volumes with chimera directly during refinement instead of always having to convert to mrc first.
Updated by Scott Stagg almost 14 years ago
Please also see http://emg.nysbc.org/issues/397 for my proposal for revising the frealign workflow.
Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 14 years ago
Gabe's solution can not be implemented in Appion since this running FreAlign should not require IMAGIC installation since the latter is not free, we can not force Appion users to have that just to do this. I looked at Scott's code with Jim just now. We can use it. However, I wonder if we can use proc2d to do this more efficiently? I am a bit worry about memory usage of reading the whole stack image array by python in order to use mrc.write(). Also, where is the handedness flip in this conversion of format. Is it that Frealign itself assumed opposite handeness in its code when IMAGIC file was read?
Updated by Neil Voss almost 14 years ago
Hi Anchi,
I have a nice IMAGIC stack reader and writer python class: apImagicFile.processStack()
that I use primarily for creating Xmipp "stacks" apXmipp.breakUpStack()
, but I see you used it for your beam tilt correction. This class would be ideal for this task. It reads the available memory and only reads data that will fit into memory and it is quite fast.
Updated by Scott Stagg almost 14 years ago
Anchi, yes there is no explicit handedness flip. I think Frealign just defines a different origin or something, so it reads the images from bottom to top instead of top to bottom or something like that.
Updated by Neil Voss almost 14 years ago
Scott, if it is as you say that there is no flip in MRC stacks, but there is a flip in IMAGIC stacks, should we check we Nico to see if this is a FREALIGN bug, because he may be reading the files wrong? I dunno.
Updated by Scott Stagg almost 14 years ago
I don't think there is any need to open that can of worms quite yet. Let's just see if using mrc stacks works like I think it will and see if that solves the handedness problem.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 12 years ago
I need to organize my thought here.
1. For the same image, different viewers give horizontal mirror according to the origin location when it reads the image.
2. EMAN1 boxer boxed image as saves the stack in Imagic Format that reads starting from higher row to lower row number of an mrc image. Therefore the image itself is a horizontal flip
3. EMAN2 proc3d does a horizontal flip when converting Imagic stack to mrc stack(3D map).
4. Jim's pyami imagic2mrc.py which is used in prepRefineFrealign simply add mrc header on top of Imagic data block. Therefore it gives the "flipped" image stack relative to ones created by proc3d.
Viewer | image format | origin |
Leginon gui | mrc | Top-left |
myamiweb | mrc | Top-left |
Ximdisp | mrc | Bottom-left |
v2 | mrc | Bottom-left |
v2 | Imagic | Top-left |
myamiweb | Imagic | Top-left |
We now have an array of transformation in appion, mainly in apEulerCalc.py They all seem to make the assumption that the Imagic file is flipped from the others. This means that we do have to do a reverse when converting from and to Imagic. I will start an issue to have Jim work on it. It is a shame because the appending method is very fast for large stack.