Feature #4014
openStackClass: a class for reading and writing stacks that is file type agnostic
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Connected to the apProc2d replacement we need a file type agnostic reading and writing stack tool. StackClass is this tool.
Updated by Neil Voss almost 9 years ago
- Blocks Feature #2997: create an Appion alternative to EMAN1 proc2d added
Updated by Neil Voss over 8 years ago
Hi Gabe and Anchi,
With some late night inspiration, I implemented a completely reworked StackClass. It is much cleaner and smaller files than before.
One problem is that for some reason when writing to IMAGIC stacks the numbers written are different from those read, it must a be a old bug in that I have to track down.
Updated by Neil Voss over 8 years ago
- Blocked by Bug #4382: Image flipping for IMAGIC format in added