Bug #6459
closedtilted app focus node complain about binding to align_zlp
Session = 18dec19a, Krios3, User = Israel Fernandez, Institution = COLU.
During tilted data collection, leginon complains in the focus node "Error = process target failed: alignzerolosspeakpublishevent drom K1n focus not bound". This is strange because the alignzerolosspublishevent should be bound to exposure node, not the focus node. To fix, we went ahead and bound alignzerolosspeakpublishevent to the k1n focus node, but then we got errors with the align zlp: it would try to align the zlp on the stage position where it was focusing (on the gold substrate of the grid, and not the vacuum reference target). This messed up the position of the slip, etc.
To fix, Ed re-created the K1n_focus node and bound things similarly to the Krios2_tilted app. A permanent fix is required. Please review this application.