Bug #967
openembfactor64.exe missing in Appion?
I got a warning when I tried to run post-processing, saying that there is no embfactor64.exe.
It's located in /ami/sw/bin, but that wasn't in my appion path. It's also not in the wrapper /ami/sw/bin/appion.
This program should be in the main Appion bin directory, like ace2.exe, since it's an executable (i.e. /myami/appion/bin/embfactor64.exe
Updated by Christopher Irving about 14 years ago
It's not in the Main appion bin directory because it's not there in the source distribution like ace2 and findem. It looks like Neil installed it in /ami/sw/bin. So where is it supposed to go? Is it something that we can place in the appion bin directory and freely redistribute or, is it a supporting application that needs to be downloaded separately?
Updated by Neil Voss about 14 years ago
You download it as a binary from here:
I would rather add it to the install guide rather than putting a binary in subversion.
Updated by Dmitry Lyumkis almost 14 years ago
guppy does not access /ami/sw/bin, and the program is not running when I launch it from the web. I can only run it on the boxes. Where is it on Guppy?
This should go into the documentation for setting up the path variables to these types of programs