


Bug #4047

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 8 years ago

Found this from a highly stigamtic image, attached. 

 Running through Appion ctffind3 gives 

 logfiles final ctf DFMID1 9171.05,    DFMID2 5113.67, ANGAST 55.54 45.54 
 ctfvalues.log nominal=1.0e-6, bestdef=5.1e-7, def_1=9.2e-07, def_2=5.1e-7, astig_angle=34.4, cross_corr=0.153 
 imageviewer shows def_1=5.1e-7, def_2=9.2e-7, astig_angle=-55.57 

 2D and 1D plot from Appion shows good match. 

 Running through Appion ctffind4 gives 
 ctffind4 output: 
 * Estimated defocus values:9159.57, 5109.79 Angstroms 
 * Estimated azimuth of astigmatism: 34.18 degrees 

 database record and imageviewer shows 
 def_1=0.51 um, def_2=0.92 um, astig_amgle=34.18 

 2D and 1D plots appears mirrored between fit and data. 

 This bug is in 3.2, need fixing immediately. 
