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Neil Voss, 06/08/2010 10:06 AM
2010 Appion Developer Workshop¶
Setting up a development enviroment¶
svn checkout myami/
At AMI, you do not normally need a sinedon.cfg file, but if you have your own testing environment you will need one.
Web page¶
At AMI, put myamiweb into your ami_html directory and it will be available on both cronus3 and fly as
You will need to run Eric's web setup wizard to get it working:
Add a new option to a program¶
- Problem statement: Add student's T distribution to maxlike alignment, see #552
- Goal: allow user to use the
option for maxlike alignment using a radio button - Steps to implement:
- add feature to python code
- add command line input
- check flag to add to xmipp program
- insert value into database
- add feature to web page
- add radio button to web page
- add help message
- receive variable from $_POST
- check if value is valid
- add flag to command line
- add feature to python code
Add an output directory to hierarchical classification¶
- You cannot change the directory if the filesystem is full.
Organization of the Python programs¶
We have two major folders in the appion folder:
- appionlib: contains libraries, a collection of common functions that are needed by more than one python program, e.g., ssnrResolution, averageStack, and lowPassFilter.
- bin: contains the programs that take command line input, e.g.,,,
Other useful directories:
- pyami: a collection of common functions to both appion and leginon, save MRC file, save SPIDER file, etc.
Most important python files:¶
Database mapping file¶
- source:trunk/appion/appionlib/ describes how the database is put together, if you need to add a new column go here
.bq see also source:trunk/leginon/ and source:trunk/leginon/
Appion Script hierarchy¶
basicScript- source:trunk/appion/appionlib/
contains all the base functions: - write a log file *
- source:trunk/appion/appionlib/
- source:trunk/appion/appionlib/
- source:trunk/appion/appionlib/
- source:trunk/appion/appionlib/
- source:trunk/appion/appionlib/
- source:trunk/appion/appionlib/
- source:trunk/appion/appionlib/
Organization of the PHP programs¶
Create a program from scratch¶
- Problem statement: I have program X that I want to put into the pipeline:
- EMAN 2d alignment, or classalign2
- Bsoft program, nothing really any good
Create a program, database structure, and report pages from scratch (if time)¶
- 3D MSA?
Updated by Neil Voss almost 15 years ago · 4 revisions