Ace 2 Estimation » History » Version 10
Anke Mulder, 06/03/2010 04:13 PM
1 | 1 | Amber Herold | h1. Ace 2 Estimation |
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3 | 4 | Anke Mulder | This algorithm is faster than ACE 1 and includes astigmatism estimation. |
4 | 1 | Amber Herold | |
5 | 4 | Anke Mulder | !! |
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7 | h2. General Workflow: |
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9 | # Make sure that appropriate run names and directory trees are specified. Appion increments names automatically, but users are free to specify proprietary names and directories. |
10 | # Select the leginon preset corresponding to the images you'd like to process. Generally "_en" images in leginon are the raw micrographs, but uploaded film data will have a different present. Selecting "all" will simply process all images. |
11 | 5 | Anke Mulder | # Check boxes allow the option to run Ace 2 concurrently with data collection. "Wait for more images" will wait until collection times out before stopping ACE 2 processing. The "Limit" box allows restrictions on the number of images to process, which is useful when testing parameters initially. |
12 | 4 | Anke Mulder | # Radio buttons under "Images to Process" allows a level of pre-processing image filtering. Images that were rejected, hidden, or made exmplars in the image viewer can here be included or exluded. |
13 | 5 | Anke Mulder | # Radio buttons under "Image Order" sets the order in which images are processed and radio buttons under "Continuation" gives the option of continuing or rerunning a previous ACE 2 run. |
14 | 7 | Anke Mulder | # If you have a previous ACE1 or Ace 2 run, check this box and set a confidence value to reprocess images that scored below that confidence value. Otherwise, leave unchecked. |
15 | 4 | Anke Mulder | # Make sure that "Commit to Database" box is checked. (For test runs in which you do not wish to store results in the database this box can be unchecked). |
16 | 5 | Anke Mulder | # Click on "Run Ace 2" to submit your job to the cluster. Alternatively, click on "Just Show Command" to obtain a command that can be pasted into a UNIX shell. |
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18 | # If your job has been submitted to the cluster, a page will appear with a link "Check status of job", which allows tracking of the job via its log-file. This link is also accessible from the "1 running" option under the "Run Ace 2" submenu in the appion sidebar. |
19 | 9 | Anke Mulder | # Now click on the "1 Complete" link under the "Run Ace 2" submenu. This opens a summary of all CTF Estimation (Ace 1, Ace 2, CtfFind) runs with a summary histogram of confidence values. |
20 | 6 | Anke Mulder | !! |
21 | 10 | Anke Mulder | # Clicking on "download ctf data" opens a dialog for exporting CTF Estimation results for use in another application. |
22 | 4 | Anke Mulder | # Clicking on the "acerun#" name opens a summary page of the parameters used for the particular run. |
23 | 5 | Anke Mulder | # The CTF parameters and astigmatism estimation determined by Ace 2 can be applied to particles during particle boxing in appion with the [[Stack_Creation|Create Particle Stack]] tool. |
24 | 4 | Anke Mulder | !! |
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26 | h2. Notes, Comments, and Suggestions: |
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28 | 5 | Anke Mulder | # Ace 2 is faster than ACE 1 |
29 | 8 | Anke Mulder | # If multiple CTF estimation runs are performed for a single dataset, the Appion stack creation tool will select the CTF parameters determined with the highest confidence value (regardless of algorithm used) for a particle from a given micrograph. |
30 | 1 | Amber Herold | |
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33 | 3 | Anke Mulder | [[CTF Estimation|< CTF Estimation]] | [[Stacks|Create Particle Stack >]] |
34 | 1 | Amber Herold | |
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