



Appion and Leginon Database Tools » History » Revision 5

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Amber Herold, 04/21/2010 03:13 PM

Appion and Leginon Database Tools

The Appion and Leginon Database tools are availalbe at http://YOUR_SERVER/myamiweb.
myamiweb is short for My Automated Molecular Imaging Web interface and is pronounced like Miami, the city in Florida. This is a common portal for tools used with both the Appion and Leginon systems which provide access to data stored in the Leginon and Appion databases.

  1. Administration
  2. User Management
  3. Project DB
  4. Image Viewers
    1. Image Viewer
    2. 2 Way Viewer
    3. 3 Way Viewer
    4. Dual Viewer
    5. Image Tools
  5. LOI
  6. RCT
  7. Tomography
  8. Hole Template Viewer

Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago · 5 revisions