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Neil Voss, 05/24/2010 04:01 PM

Compile Ace2 from source

Install supporting packages

Name: Download site: yum package name SuSE rpm name
gcc-objc gcc-objc
fftw3-devel None
gsl-devel gsl-devel

Test Ace 2 binary

The 64bit Ace2 binary is already available in the myami/bin directory.
Test it by changing directories to myami/bin and type the following commands:

./ace2.exe -h
./ace2correct.exe -h

If it is working the help commands will display.

Compile Ace 2 from source

see Compile Ace 2 from source

If this does not work or you wish to compile it yourself follow the instructions here.
ace2 typically requires fftw 3.2 or greater. This is significantly faster than 3.1 (which is distributed with CentOS).
There is a FFTW_WISDOM_ONLY flag in Image.m that can be commented in if you are using fftw 3.2 or greater.
TODO: Can we have the make file detect which version is installed?

  • Goto myami/appion/ace2
  • compile the libraries and binary
  • test to see if program runs
$ make
$ ./ace2.exe -h
$ ./ace2correct.exe -h
$ mv -v ./ace2*.exe ../bin

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Updated by Neil Voss almost 15 years ago · 3 revisions