Create Substack » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Anke Mulder, 06/07/2010 06:09 PM) → Revision 2/5 (Anke Mulder, 06/07/2010 06:14 PM)
h1. Create Substack Xmipp Sort by Statistics: This function allows creation of substacks. !! sorts the particles in a stack by how closely they resemble the average. In general, this will sort the particles by how likely that they are junk. After sorting the particles a new stack will be created, you will then have to select at which point the junk starts and Apply junk cutoff. The second function, Apply junk cutoff will then create a third stack with no junk in it. h2. General Workflow: # Check run name and output directory. # Enter enter a description for the substack description. # Choose from three radio buttons to a) select a subset of particles, b) choose a certain number of particles to be sampled randomly, or c) split the current stack into several substacks. # Make sure the "Commit to Database" box is checked if appropriate. Click "SortJunk" to submit to the cluster. Alternatively, click "Just Show Command" in order to copy and paste into a unix shell. !! h2. Notes, Comments, and Suggestions: [[Sort Junk|< Sort Junk]] !! [[Center Particles|< Center Particles]] | [[Create Substack|Create Substack >]]