



Explanation of Sample Names

MySQL database usernames, Leginon/Appion username, and your linux login username are all different. Each serves its own purpose.

Database names, user, and password need to be entered during web server and sinedon.cfg setup.
In our example, we have:

purpose example name
database name for leginon parameters and metadata leginondb
database name for project management projectdb
database name prefix for appion processing ap
database user name usr_object
database user password (not set)

username for Leginon image viewing and appion processing/reporting from the web = username registered for Leginon running
Firstname used in the registration + Lastname used in the registration = fullname entered in leginon.cfg

Relevant Topics:
Database Server Installation
Configure sinedon.cfg
Web Server Installation

Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 15 years ago · 11 revisions