



File Formats

...under construction...

CCP4, MRC, and variants

field type description CCP4 MRC MRC-IMOD
0 0 1 N x int32 3-D size of data array,
fastest changing first
4 1 2 N y int32
8 2 3 N z int32
12 3 4 mode int32 data type:
0: signed 8-bit integer
1: signed 16-bit integer
2: 32-bit float
3: 16-bit complex integer
4: 32-bit complex float
5: same as mode 0
6: 16-bit unsigned integer
16: 3x8-bit unsigned int, RGB
NOTE: mode 0 may be signed
or unsigned depending
on codes found at byte
offset 152 and 156
16 4 5 Start x int32 number of the first element
in each dimension, if this
is a sub-array of another
20 5 6 Start y int32
24 6 7 Start z int32
28 7 8 Intervals x int32 number of grid intervals
along each dimension
32 8 9 Intervals y int32
36 9 10 Intervals z int32
40 10 11 Cell Length x float32 cell length in angstrom
44 11 12 Cell Length y float32
48 12 13 Cell Length z float32
52 13 14 Cell Angle α float32 cell angles in degrees ignored by IMOD
56 14 15 Cell Angle β float32
60 15 16 Cell Angle γ float32
64 16 17 Column axis int32 1 -> X
2 -> Y
3 -> Z
68 17 18 Row axis int32
72 18 19 Section axis int32
76 19 20 Minimum density float32 statistics calculated
from the data
80 20 21 Maximum density float32
84 21 22 Mean density float32

...under construction...

Updated by Jim Pulokas almost 12 years ago ยท 7 revisions