




Groups are used to associate Users with common privileges.
Several default groups are included with your installation and correspond to the available privilege levels.

Default Groups and Privileges:

Group name Description Privilege
administrators may view and modify all groups, users, projects and experiments in the system All at administration level
power users may view and modify anything that is not specifically owned by the default Administrator User View all but administrate owned
users may view and modify project that they own and view experiments that have been shared with the user Administrate/view only owned projects and view shared experiments
guests may view projects owned by the user and experiments shared with the user View owned projects and shared experiments

View all Groups

Groups may be viewed and managed within the Administration tool by clicking on the Groups Icon:
Groups icon

A list of the available groups is displayed.
Click on a group in the list to show the group information.

Add a new group

  1. Type a new Group Name in the Name field of the GroupData table
  2. Provide a description (optional)
  3. Select a privilege level
  4. Press the Save button

Modify a group

  1. Select the Group you wish to modify from the Group list
  2. Change the desired fields
  3. Press the Save button.

Remove a group

Note: This feature is currently disabled.

Users >

Updated by Sargis Dallakyan about 5 years ago · 27 revisions