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Amber Herold, 12/02/2013 02:29 PM

Install EMAN

EMAN1 is a fundamental package used in Appion for general file conversion and image filtering.

Download latest EMAN1 (not EMAN2) binaries (currently version 1.9):

  1. Go to the EMAN webpage
  2. Click on (download) next to EMAN1
  3. Scroll to Download 1.9
    • Note: For CentOS 6, you should download the latest nightly snapshot. (eman.daily.linuxcluster.tar.gz)
  4. Click on Download 1.9 link
  5. Select the appropriate package
    • we recommend using the cluster version of EMAN1
    • x86 for 32bit and x86_64 for 64bit machines
    • In this case, we would download the "eman-linux-x86_64-cluster-1.9.tar.gz"

Install EMAN

  1. Go to download directory and unzip the tar file:
    tar -zxvf eman-linux-x86_64-cluster-1.9.tar.gz
  2. Move the unzipped folder to a global location
    sudo mv -v EMAN /usr/local/
  3. Run the EMAN installer, it sets up the EMAN python module (must be run from the EMAN directory)
    cd /usr/local/EMAN/

Set enivromental variables

  • For BASH, create an and add the following lines:
    export EMANDIR=/usr/local/EMAN
    export PATH=${EMANDIR}/bin:${PATH}
    export PYTHONPATH=${EMANDIR}/lib
  • For C shell, create an eman.csh and add the following lines:
    setenv EMANDIR /usr/local/EMAN
    setenv PATH ${EMANDIR}/bin:${PATH}
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${EMANDIR}/lib
    setenv PYTHONPATH ${EMANDIR}/lib
  • And then add it to the global /etc/profile.d/ folder
    sudo cp -v /etc/profile.d/
    sudo chmod 755 /etc/profile.d/
    - or -
    sudo cp -v eman.csh /etc/profile.d/eman.csh
    sudo chmod 755 /etc/profile.d/eman.csh

You may need to log out and log back in for these changes to take place.

Test EMAN install

Run proc2d

proc2d help

Should popup a window displaying help for proc2d

< Install dosefgpu driftcorr | Install EMAN2 >

Updated by Amber Herold about 11 years ago · 19 revisions