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Amber Herold, 11/22/2013 10:25 AM


Before you begin:
Please note that Appion 2.2, Appion 2.2-redux and any earlier releases do not include any features that require EMAN2/SPARX to be installed. Appion 3.0, the development trunk and future releases will require this software.
This documentation assumes you are using CentOS 6 (written as of CentOS 6.4)
It is best to install EMAN2/SPARX from source, to avoid conflicts with having two different versions of python on your system. Binaries of EMAN2/SPARX all come with their own python pre-installed.

Install pre-requisite packages for EMAN2 compiling

yum based packages

  • Make sure EPEL is install, if not go here: Download additional Software (CentOS Specific)
  • Use yum to install devel libraries:
    sudo yum install fftw-devel gsl-devel boost-python numpy \
     PyQt4-devel cmake ipython hdf5-devel libtiff-devel libpng-devel \
     PyOpenGL ftgl-devel db4-devel python-argparse openmpi-devel


Additionally you need to install the python-bsddb3 library (not available via YUM). I just use the pypi easy_installer, yum will never know.

sudo easy_install bsddb3

Download the source

  1. To download the source code go to the link:
  2. Click on "Main EMAN2 Download Page"
  3. Click on "Download EMAN 2.0x", whichever is the latest minor release of 2.0.
  4. Scroll down to Source to download the eman2.07.source.tar.gz

Work with the source

  1. go to the directory with the source code
  2. extract the archive:
    tar zxvf eman2.07.source.tar.gz
  3. go into directory
    cd EMAN2/src/build
  4. start configure script:
    cmake ../eman2/
    • Note: alternatively you can run ccmake ../eman2/ and configure all the parameters
  5. start compiling:
  6. install to directory:
    sudo make install

Set environmental variables


sudo nano /etc/profile.d/
export EMAN2DIR=/usr/local/EMAN2
export PATH=${EMAN2DIR}/bin:${PATH}
export PYTHONPATH=${EMAN2DIR}/lib:${EMAN2DIR}/bin

c shell

sudo nano /etc/profile.d/eman2.csh
setenv EMAN2DIR /usr/local/EMAN2
setenv PATH ${EMAN2DIR}/bin:${PATH}
setenv PYTHONPATH ${EMAN2DIR}/lib:${EMAN2DIR}/bin

Install MyMPI

  • Download source:
    wget -O pydusa-1.15-sparx.tgz \
  • Extract:
    tar zxvf pydusa-1.15-sparx.tgz
  • go into directory
    cd pydusa-1.15-sparx

I had problems with the code finding the numpy headers:

nano configure

find the line:

elif test -d ${PY_PREFIX}/lib/python$PY_VERSION/site-packages/numpy/core/include; then

and replace it with:

elif test -d ${PY_PREFIX}/lib64/python$PY_VERSION/site-packages/numpy/core/include; then
* Configure:
setenv MPIROOT /usr/lib64/openmpi
setenv MPIINC /usr/include/openmpi-x86_64
setenv MPILIB ${MPIROOT}/lib
setenv MPIBIN ${MPIROOT}/bin

export MPIROOT=/usr/lib64/openmpi
export MPIINC=/usr/include/openmpi-x86_64
export MPILIB=${MPIROOT}/lib
export MPIBIN=${MPIROOT}/bin
* compile the source:
* copy the to site-packages with a different name:
sudo mkdir /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/mympi/
sudo touch /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/mympi/
sudo cp -v src/ /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/mympi/
* create a wrapper around the wrapper:
sudo nano /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/

import ctypes
mpi = ctypes.CDLL('', ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
from mympi.mpi import *

This needs to be done to avoid the error:
python: symbol lookup error: 
    undefined symbol: mca_base_param_reg_int
  • test 1:
    python -c 'import mpi'
    python -c 'import sys; from mpi import mpi_init; mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)'
  • test 2: start.hdf

    (Note: start.hdf does not need to exist, if it does not exist then it should exit with file not found)

Test to see if code works


cd EMAN2/test/rt

Install MyMPI for MPI functions


This fixes this problem:

    from mpi import mpi_init
ImportError: No module named mpi

This module was very difficult to get working, it seems to be a poorly supported python wrapper for MPI. So, what we are going to do is compile the module, rename it, and create a wrapper. So, essentially we are creating a wrapper around the wrapper. We can only hope they switch to [ mpi4py] in the future.


< Install EMAN 1 | Install SPIDER >

Updated by Amber Herold over 11 years ago · 60 revisions